White Wolf Wiki

Several factions are devoted to reforming their Tradition into something more modern: the Akashic Li-Hai; the Chorus’s Latitudinarians; the Dreamspeakers’ Ghost Wheel Society; Etherite Progressivists; Verbena Moon Seekers; and various Hermetic Houses. This movement is echoed in the Neo-Tradition Reformation Front.

Members of this group have an interest in modernizing the Council of Nine and the entire Tradition structure. In the past, the NTRF has been effectively crippled by a lack of uniformity of vision. More recently, though, strong leadership has corrected this weakness.

The NTRF now postulates that the loss of the Ascension War is a direct result of the inflexible definition of the Council. As an initial move, they actively support crossTradition training. Members of the NTRF commonly refer to themselves as Akashic-Virtual Adepts or Dreamspeaker-Sons of Ether, if they claim any Tradition allegiance at all.

Their long-term goals, however, are a bit more drastic. They wish to see the current Council structure torn down and completely replaced with a more open structure. They believe that the Traditions should inspire creativity and flexibility in their members, not close-minded allegiance to a particular social organization. Fortunately, the NTRF is currently working through legal means and negotiation, but if these methods don’t succeed, who knows what they will try next.

