White Wolf Wiki

Neil Graham was a Chicago communist Anarch who changed his name frequently after World War II. He attended by "Karl" in 1993, when he was destroyed by Lupines.


As the Great Depression worsened across America, Neil Graham became firmly convinced that the only way to save the country was through Soviet-style communism. To this purpose, he recruited other Chicagoans to join him in a revolution.

This nighttime recruiting by a bearded, wild-eyed young man attracted the attention of police in the pay of the city's industrial leaders. They decided that rather than arresting him and hoping for a long jail term, they would turn him into another "jailhouse suicide."

However, Neil's rabble-rousing had also caught the eye of a sympathetic Joshua, who had always wanted to be a dramatic speaker like this young man. He followed the police who arrested Neil to their precinct, where he overheard two of them discussing different ways to hang Neil by his own belt.

Joshua managed to sneak into the jail just in time to catch them trying to string Neil up. In the ensuing battle, Joshua knocked out the two policemen and actually broke down the wall in his rush to rescue Neil. The two revolutionaries made off into the night, but not before Neil was shot in the back.

By the time they made it to a place of safety, Neil was paralyzed from the waist down. Realizing that there was only one way to save the young man, Joshua bit deep into Neil's neck and drank. Then he slit his own artery and fed the healing blood to the communist. Thus Neil entered the world of the Damned.

For several more years, Neil maintained his preoccupation with bringing utopia to the people of Chicago, but he kept a low profile since he was wanted by the police. Slowly, his interest became more centered on Vampiric society, and following World War II, he became a committed member of the Anarchs.

He has changed his name multiple times, taking that of whichever revolutionary thinker currently strikes his fancy. He has called himself Karl, Vladimir, Leon, Antonio, Fidel, Herbert—and has now returned to Karl, refusing to respond to any other name.

Neil Graham left his name behind and soon became a committed member of the Anarchs. He took the pseudonym of whichever revolutionary thinker that currently struck his fancy. In 1964, he embraced Hank Cave without permission. During the 1990s, Neil was one of the casualties of the clashes of the War of Chicago.


His aliases are named after the figures of Soviet leaders.


Image: Karl is wild-eyed and bearded, standing at six-foot-one and weighing 210 pounds. His hulking shoulders and huge, hairy arms give him an imposing presence.

Roleplaying Hints: You are suspicious of everyone, speaking sparingly unless you get worked up. Once you’re on a roll, however, you become unstoppable in your speeches, fervently pushing your ideas.

Haven: Near the American Police Center and Museum.


Influence: Karl has little influence in the city, though he remains unaware of this fact.

