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Nathaniel Summerton was a Prince of Savannah from ca. 1786 to ca. 1820[1].


Summerton was a British officer during the War of Independence. Sabert, who was a prince of Savannah at that time, chosen him to become his childe. Sabert influenced Summerton, who bought a plantation near Savannah for his retirement. Sabert then spent a great deal of time observing and speaking to his prospective childe, making him a ghoul in 1784 and finally Embracing him in 1786, covering up Summerton's disappearance.

Shortly afterward, Sabert sank into final torpor, and Summerton assumed the position of Prince of Savannah, ruling in his sire's place. When cotton gin was invented in 1793, Summerton was quick to act, and his shrewd manipulations, coupled with slavery (in which Summerton had extensive interests), helped make Savannah's cotton industry the premier of the world. Summerton also took a childe in 1793, more or less impulsively Embracing Penelope Huxley.

In 1796, Savannah was ravaged by fire, which left half the city in ashes and one third of its Cainites dead. After the fire, Summerton allied with the city's Toreador and brought architect William Jay over from England. Jay introduced Regency style to Savannah.

In 1820, another fire swept the city, along with a yellow fever epidemic. This time, Sabert met Final Death when his resting place went up in flames. Several other prominent Kindred also perished. A few months later, Penelope Huxley shocked Savannah Kindred by producing evidence that the fire was actually set by Summerton, who allegedly feared that his sire was waking. The city's most prominent Kindred declared their support of Huxley, who declared a blood hunt on the prince. He was destroyed while protesting his innocence.

