White Wolf Wiki

The Nakato Gumi is the most influential yakuza gang of the Nova Age, dwarfing any of its competitors.


Japan's Saisho movement gave the Nakato Gumi a big boost, and vice-versa. By ingratiating themselves to the government and fostering a proud, isolationist Japan, the Nakato Gumi insulated themselves from Team Tomorrow's war on organized crime. They established Kuro-Tek as a front organization, and poured money into the Nippontai, who conveniently swept up other yakuza — giving the Nakoto a clear playing field.

Through Kuro-Tek, the Nakoto dominate the black market for illegal technology, bringing them into persistent conflict with Project Utopia. They do so with the winking compliance of the government, who view Project Utopia as foreigners trying to oppress Japan and scuttle its tech-driven economy.


The yakuza have the sort of revenue streams one would expect from organized crime, including gambling, prostitution, drugs, and protection rackets. They also engage in a kind of protection racket called sokaiya, in which a member of the gang threatens to disrupt a company's shareholder meetings unless the company meets his demands. Their most lucrative arm, however, is Kuro-Tek, which develops and sells technologies that Project Utopia has declared too dangerous to be released to the public. Occasionally, a small Nakoto operation is sacrificed to Team Tomorrow or the Utopian S&T department as a distraction.

The Directive has close ties to Kuro-Tek, as part of its quest to keep up with Project Utopia. Project Proteus also keeps tabs on their work, and any devices that might be useful for its ends. Their biggest rivals after Utopia are the Heaven Thunder Triad and the Camparelli-Zukhov Megasyndicate: the former is their closest physical neighbor, while the latter is equally aggressive and trying to expand its reach into Asia.


The Nakato Gumi controls over ten thousand people both inside Japan and abroad, including a small cadre of novas. Flashy nova-on-nova fights are not the yakuza's style, but nova mercenaries and assassins inspire particular fear while getting the job done.

Yoshiro Nakamura is the oyabun of the Nakoto Gumi, as well as the CEO of Kuro-tek. His most well-known enforcer is Akinori Kasai, a nova with supernatural persuasive abilities who goes by the code name Black Mist. Other novas in his employ are Genji Tadashi and Takako Orinama.

