White Wolf Wiki

Naglfar's Army are a faction of the False who believe the Contagion is nothing less than the end of the world.


The supernatural has never peacefully co-existed with the mortal world. Monsters prey on humans, and humans develop increasingly dangerous weapons with which to retaliate. Eventually, something's gotta give, and it's probably going to be Contagion. Studying it, containing it — these measures just buy time, in the short run. Naglfar's Army takes a longer view.

Events like the Sundering or the Fall were prior episodes of Contagion, according to the Army, and they reordered the world in profound ways. Better to embrace such calamity, they say, than struggled against it in vain. Naglfar's Army will be ready to seize power in whatever new world the Contagion creates, and in the meantime they're living every day like it's their last.


The Army arose in the 900s during an outbreak of Contagion in northern Europe. Viking legends about Ragnarok include a ship called Naglfar, made of the fingernails of the dead, which would carry warriors forth to slay the gods themselves. It was after this ship the Army chose to name themselves.


The core group of Naglfar's Army is preparing for the end of the world, and they horde whatever resources they think they'll need to ride it out - food, money, people, magic, whatever. If they can take those resources from a potential rival, so much the better. There's not much point in studying Contagion outbreaks as they happen, but the Army will cheerfully help them along if they can, to speed up the inevitable apocalypse.

But in case they fail — or for those who don't really believe there's a chance of surviving anyway — Naglfar's Army also indulge in reckless, unbridled hedonism. They eat, drink and make merry, with reckless abandon. After all, who cares about maintaining the Masquerade or completing the Pilgrimage when soon enough, the Contagion might make it moot?

Members of the Army cooperate with one another, but will attack the other False factions as eagerly as the Sworn if they have something the Army wants. Or because it's good for a laugh.


Naglfar's Army is often the landing place of people who have seen the worst the Contagion can do, including ex-Sworn who no longer have the will to fight. These broken beings don't bother preparing for the end; they just want it to get here faster.

The hedonistic excesses of the Army also draw beings too alien, or too alienated to engage with any of the other factions, such as True Fae or the Rapt.


Contagion Chronicle Factions


Cryptocracy · Jeremiad · Rosetta Society · Ship of Theseus · Zero Hour


Crucible Initiative · Machiavelli Gambit · Naglfar's Army
