White Wolf Wiki

Mummified Zombies are zombies from Chicago, Illinois.


These mummified zombies are corpses prepared with the intent of preserving them forever, ensuring the continuous survival of the soul. They are essentially zombies, created using the rules from the World of Darkness supplement, Antagonists, but usable with just the information included here. If an ability is not described below, it's effects have already been factored into the statistics elsewhere.


"To the Doorway . . . the Door to the West . . ."


Wrapped in blackened bandages, mummies are often difficult to distinguish from the corpses inside. Their spindly limbs are deceptively, supernaturally strong.

Storytelling Hints[]

With the exception of Meresamun (who is protected by her sacred status and her impenetrable sarcophagus), the mummies are drawn to Amemet to protect the Doorway. It's up to you whether they attack anyone on the way and, if so, how many and whom. With enough time - or an incredibly apocalyptic chronicle - zombies of other sorts might heed the call as well. The statistics below are guidelines; feel free to alter them.


Attributes: Power 4, Finesse 1, Resistance 5
Willpower: 0 (but they use Amemet's Willpower of 11 to resist attempts to distract them from her call
Initiative: 1
Defense: 4
Speed: 4
Size: 4 or 5 (depending on decay and Size at death)
Health: 7 (Zombies do not suffer wound penalties or differentiate between types of damage.)
Physical Integrity: 10 (Treat these as additional Health.)
Aspects: Indestructible, Limited Intelligence, Magic Resistance (+4 Resilience when resisting magical effects), Preservation 3, Special Attack (Crushing Grip), Tough, Undead Strength (+1 to all dice pools involving physical strength)
Weaknesses: Residual Memories. These zombies can be stymied for 5 turns by presenting them with Egyptian religious symbols and iconography, but this trick only works once.
Crushing Grip: (dice pool 7) These zombies deal bashing damage with their supernaturally powerful limbs.

