Mr. Foster is a porcupine Pooka and probably in Second Threshold Bedlam.
Mr. Foster has always liked the forest. When he was a prickly young fae, none of the other childlings would play with him; his sharp quills hurt too much. So he would amuse himself alone, among the trees. The trees became his friends and were never mean to him. Over the years, he noticed how many of his friends were being cut down by those mean old timber companies. That was a bad thing. Worse, many human children liked to come to the woods and play with matches. Mr Foster doesn't like fire and thought the human kids were being naughty. He didn't want to hurt the children, though. So, being skilled at the Primal Art, Mr. Foster puts the bad kids out of harm's way and finds a way to help his friends the trees. He thinks of his little project as reforestation; where there were once no trees, now there are a dozen or so beautiful young birches, willows, and firs. Plus the children won't grow old so quickly; they'll stay young and lovely for decades. Of course, the parents go crazy with worry over their missing offspring. Mr. Foster isn't evil, per se, but he is extremely misguided.
- CTD. The Fool's Luck: The Way of the Commoner, pp. 100-101.