White Wolf Wiki

The Mouth of Vorax is a Wyrm cult dedicated to the worship of Vorax and commits ritualistic cannibalism.


A relatively small cult, numbering only about 50 or so members. They names themselves after their "patron" Vorax, whom they believe to be a Judeo-Christian devil devoted to one of the deadly sins. The Mouth is a cult of gratification - it offers its largely blue-collar members pleasures they couldn't normally acquire. In reality, they serve Vorus, the Urge Wyrm of Greed - and not one of them knows it.

The Mouth's genesis lies with its current "high priest", Isaac Denholm. He seemed an innocent enough man - working daily at the plant, teaching Sunday School on weekends - but was always quietly envious of the people in the front pews. He grew to hate the folks who had much more than he did and barely had to work for it, while he did his best and lived off microwavable "meals for one."

Finally, when he was searching the local bookshop's self-help section, he noticed a strange pamphlet jammed into one of the books. It was a litany of blasphemies, preaching that in time the seven demons of Sin would ride across the world, passing over only their faithful. Two years ago, Isaac would have dropped the leaflet in the trash can; instead, he took it home. His faith in "Vorax" was born soon thereafter.

The Mouth of Vorax is composed of a number of blue-collar workers, recruited from the various plants and bars of Isaac's home town. The cult meets twice a month, where they devour great feasts in Vorax's name, indulge in some rathe uncreative orgiastic behavior and eventually drift home. However, the cult is much less harmless than it looks. Isaac gets the money for "high ritual" and much of the meat for the feasts from the same source - human victims. Most of the cult is fully aware of the fact that they're eating long pork taken from travelers staying at the local motel. Frankly, they don't care; and to tell the truth, the taste is beginning to grow on them.

Isaac himself is a heavy-set man with an unpleasantly doughy complexion. However, he's deceptively quick and strong, due in some part to his fanaticism, and is easily capable of wrestling a line backer to the ground. He is immune to the Delirium, and constantly attended by a flock of invisible Banes.

