Mother Larissa is the Sept Leader of the Sept of the Green in New York City's Central Park. She is an elder theurge of the Bone Gnawers.
Mother Larissa is over 70 years old. She is the last surviving pupil of the Bone Gnawers who originally governed the caern. She's a survivor, but she's willing to do whatever it takes to maintain the caern. Ensuring the survival of the park is more than her job - it's her destiny.
All Garou defer to her leadership, and many humans enjoy her bizarre stories. She may threaten a lot, but she's not violent. Just in case, though, she's hidden a Grand Klaive in a shrubbery by the Ramble.
Unlike many Garou, Mother Larissa lived long; so long that age and illness was her inevitable foe. In her waning years, she left the city and moved to the Cairn of the Rushing Stream in Providence, Rhode Island, New England. Her sight had left her, and she spent most of her time in bed but in her last days, she was plagued by visions of prophecy. The visions came to her slowly at first. She would stir night and day, murmuring words of prophecy through broken lips. She spoke of Providence, of a fire that would be kindled. In her sightless vision, Larissa saw an inferno grow; one she feared would spread across the realm. She foresaw the burning of her home, New York, the death of her children.
Between 2004 and 2023, Mother Larissa was laid to rest at the bed of a lake under an onyx gravestone.
Character Sheet[]
Note: After decades of consulting with all manner of listeners, the old witch had collected a vast collection of supernatural stories, which she gleefully shares with any cubs that will listen to them. Most have all the style and grace of Halloween ghost stories, ("Heh, heh, heh! Listen, kiddies! Here's a tale that's sure to chill your bones!") Though few remember it, parts of this persona are based on an obscure Vesuvius comic book, House of the Dying, published in the early '50's.
- WTA: Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rulebook, p. 257-258
- WTA: Werewolf: The Apocalypse Second Edition, p. 284-285
- WTA: Rage Across New York, p. 39
- Rage CCG: Rage Limited and Unlimited
- WWM: White Wolf Magazine 43, p. 24-25
- WTA: Tribebook: Bone Gnawers, p. 98-99
- WTA: Tribe Novels: Black Spiral Dancers & Wendigo, p. 234
- WTA: The Last Battle, p. 102-111, 303
- WTA: W20 The Apocalyptic Record, p. 158-161