Mother Damnable, born Mary Ann Conklin,, is a signature character for Seattle in Demon the Descent
In 1880's, Mother Damnable ran the Felker Hotel in Seattle, a notorious brothel. Notable for her harsh temper and obscene cursing in at least six languages.
In early 1889, Mother Damnable was approached by a stranger who offered her information. A month later she returned from a trip a changed woman. She had made a Soul Pact with a Demon resulting in it being collected. Whoever the Demon was before, they embraced Mother Damnable's life.
Karabes was an Unchained who discovered the 1889 Splinter in Seattle. It used this chance to create its own personal Hell. She had taken over much of the 1889 Splinter; creating stigmatics, destroying Infrastructure, and generally making the Splinter as real as possible. Some how Karabes has figured out how to extend the 1889 Splinter passed its reset point extending its life to at least 1930. The 1930's of the 1889 Splinter is quite different from the 1930's of reality and Karabes refuses to leave the Splinter for fear of resetting the loop. She allows Demons to seek refuge with her as long as they don't endanger her or the Spinter.
Mother Damnable is slight and stout, standing little over five feet tall, but broad. She dresses in plain, sturdy dresses and seldom wears finery. She keeps her brown hair pined into a bun, has a steady gaze, has a voice that can be heard across town
- Mary Ann Conklin is a real person who ran the first brothel in Seattle