The Mortician's Army is an independent hunter organization originally founded in 2010 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It was formerly led by Rafael Obrero, the eponymous "Mortician".
The Mortician's Army was comprised of several formerly independent hunter cells spread throughout the American Midwest, who covertly shared intelligence and resources in order to combat the greater vampiric threat. Their "signature weapon" was the hook-handled autopsy hammer, a medical instrument used for cracking open a cadaver's cranial vault, in seeming emulation of the Mortician himself. A crimson-colored hammer even served as the Army's unifying mark of membership - with several members even creating ad-hoc "uniforms" marked with this same device. Such was the reputation of this symbol that even "lone-wolf" hunters throughout the Midwest had heard legends of the Mortician and his "Final War" against the vampires.
Despite it's grassroots origins, the Mortician's Army was reportedly both well-armed and coordinated, drawing much of its membership from local law enforcement and Midwest "prepper" communities. They even maintained formidable occult support through their alliance with the Wolves in Sheep's Clothing, a group of former ghouls turned sorcerers and hedge magicians.
It's currently unknown what connections, if any, the Mortician's Army had to the greater Second Inquisition.
Winter's Teeth[]
Despite it's leader and founder, Rafael Obrero, being slain by his daughter Alejandra - in 2021 the Mortician's Army was able to organize and launch a devastating assault on the Camarilla of the Twin Cities. Striking at the break of dawn at their stronghold within Galtier Towers, the hunters proved ruthlessly effective, wounding and destroying several powerful Kindred. If not for a thaumaturgical onslaught unleashed by Justicar Ian Carfax, the Mortician's Army may have even succeeded in eradicating the Court of the Twin Cities entirely.
Post the Galtier Towers assault, the current status of the Mortician's Army is unknown, though it is likely other cells persist throughout the Midwest.
Rafael Deuna was a pathologist working for the Medical Examiner's office in downtown Minneapolis when tragedy befell his family and changed his life forever. In the winter of 2010, conditions in the Midwest proved particularly lethal as dozens of homeless in the Twin Cities died of exposure due to the extreme cold. Of the many dead bodies unclaimed by friends or family, one turned out to be the body of a freshly embraced fledgling who, in their frenzy, murdered DeLuna's wife.
That night, upon his horrific awakening to the dark truth of the world, Rafael was consumed with a singular purpose: all vampires must die. Rafael's fellow survivors were quick to join his cause, and from there, his influence grew throughout the Midwest. Little by little, small-time hunter cells began to coordinate their tactics with one another, until several pockets of previously independent units grew into a vampire-hunting network known (perhaps erroneously) as The Mortician's Army.
Mortician's Hammer: Though their means and methods may be as varied as the individual members of the Army themselves, all of the Mortician's soldiers carry this unique item with them. Half weapon, half calling-card, members of the Mortician's Army carry these hammer-hook hybrids to recognize one another and, in a pinch, to slay Kindred. Whether through sheer coincidence, or as a spoil of war, you've managed to procure one of these instruments. The Mortician's Hammer counts as a +2 Heavy bludgeoning or piercing weapon, depending upon how it is used. Also, carrying it will automatically grant you -1 Difficulty on all interactions with members of the Mortician's Army, provided they do not know you are Kindred.
Marked For Death: You have tangled with the Mortician's Army before and have managed to come out ahead. While the Mortician's Army may never forgive, you never forget and have come to adapt against their methods, attacks, and techniques. You gain the Enemy (••) flaw. However, you may gain a +1 die bonus on all contested rolls made against the hunters of the Mortician's Army.
Eyes-on: You have sniffed out the presence of the Mortician's Army within your domain and have been able to keep a consistent eye on their movements and tactics. Once per story, you may ask the Storyteller if any of your surveillance suggests an impending attack on a vampire within your city. Whether you choose to warn them or not is up to you...
The Sleeper Agent: In life, you served as a soldier in The Mortician's Army. In undeath, you continue to serve their agenda as a spy within the Kindred community. You gain four dots to be spent within the Allies or Contacts representing your affiliation with the mortal hunters. You also gain the Dark Secret flaw (•) relating to your involvement in the Army. Once per story, you may call upon the full support of the Mortician's Army to bear against your enemies, though doing so will forever reveal your true identity.
The Unseen: You are one of the few who has betrayed their kind and embraced a mortal hunter. Whether a calculated move in a long game against those who have slighted you or something committed under duress, you now have learned how to deftly manipulate your childe and their network of contacts. You gain a one-rank Mawla to represent your new progeny and Allies (•••••) representing a faction of the Mortician's Army that you have bent, perhaps unknowingly, to your undead will. You gain the Dark Secret (••) flaw as your secret childe is likely a punishable offense in most domains, and the truth about them is likely even more forbidden.
Witch-hunter orgs | ||
Coalition orgs | USA: FIRSTLIGHT/SAD/IAO · Brazil: BOES/PMEX · Russia: GRU-N58/Akritai/Unit 242 · UK: Newburgh Group/JTRG/SO13 · Vatican: La Entità/Society of St. Leopold · Bureau IX · Calcédoine · G-Kontoret · HSP · TID · Unit 8211 | |
Academic orgs | Arcanum | |
Corporate orgs | Chopra-wafadar · Fada · Monster-X · Neo Albion · Orpheus Group · Re:Venge · Strike Force Zero | |
Government orgs | DAAE · Division Six · GSG 10 · Manila DoJ-SRP · Project Twilight | |
Religious orgs | Ikhwan al-Safa · The Judges · Nails of Christ · Order of the Rose · Society of St. George | |
Vigilante orgs | Cog Conspiracy · D-Club · Duffy Family · ECLIPSE · Mortician's Army · Toussaint Brigade