In the common parlance of the Nockers, a Monad is a conceptual fundamental particle of Glamour, similar to quarks in human physics. Monads come in several Flavors. (See Flavor)
When other kith hear the word "Monad" come out of a nocker's mouth almost reverently, if not lasciviously, they, being rightfully confused, might think its another swear word. It was actually a Nocker kinain, Gottfried Leibniz, who first postulated these fundamental "Dream-particles." They are considered to be the basis of chimerical power, like quarks are believed the basis for energy physics.
Nockers study Glamour the way mortal scientists use supercolliders to search ever deeper into the quantum universe. They don't smash them together, though. Instead they have powerful delta-wave-inducing dream machines that let them send their conscious minds further into concentrated Glamour fields.
Unlike quarks, which have qualities such as mass and charge, monads are spiritual energies and resist measurement by mundane sense or instrument. (The only exception is the Wyrd monad which has a real-world component.) Given the lack of Glamour and sufficient technologies for study during the Interregnum, monad theory remained mostly theoretical until after the Resurgence in 1969. Advancements in isolating these elementary particles have picked up now. These monads haven't been observed directly and most nockers believe they are unobservable, but many can detect their effects.
Many changelings, at least though who know of nocker research in this area, fear it. They worry the Banality inherent in gaining an intellectual understanding of the Dreaming may destroy it forever. Nockers sneer at this concern, confident that their chimerical scientific methods are safe.
Nockers believe there are 6 types or 'Flavors' of monads that travel in specific pairs. Taking a cue from human studies of quarks, they have assigned these monads names: up, down, Wyrd, strange, ana, and kata. Some have alternative names as well. The nockers also postulate that there are 6 "anti-monads" that explain Banality.
- CTD. Kithbook: Nockers, pp. 12, 30-31.