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Mokolé are werelizards and werecrocodilians, descendants of the prehistoric Lizard Kings and one of the surviving changing breeds of the Classic World of Darkness.

Mokolé forms



Symbol used by the Mokolé to describe themselves

The Mokolé serve the role of the memories of Gaia through the practice of Mnesis. There are no surviving turtle or tortoise Mokolé, and the snake varnas are now Nagah. During the Age of Kings, the Mokolé Lizard Kings were the dominant shifter species on Earth, until the event they call the "Wonder-Work" arrived and changed all that. Their society never truly recovered and later they were nearly wiped out by the Garou during the War of Rage. Although they can be very social with their own kind, these shapeshifters are generally distrustful towards outsiders because of this troublesome history,

A trait that all Mokolé share is the Mnesis ability, which allows them to remember thousands to millions of years into the past. The more dots invested in this ability, the further back the werelizard can remember. All Mokolé inherit knowledge of the language of the dragons, even if they have no other Mnesis. The Dragon’s Tongue was the common language of the Earth during the Age of Kings. Most could read and write its elaborate script as well. Many old-fashioned Mokolé refer to it as "the Speech" and will refuse to admit that "rat's chitter" is capable of fluent expression.

Mnesis brings knowledge of the Speech when a new Mokolé dreams her shape. If the newly Changed one has never heard the Dragon's Tongue, she will understand it but be hesitant to speak until she has heard more. Expression is idiomatic in the Dragon's Tongue, and figures of speech are common. "She has dug her nest" means that someone has made up her mind, while "to lash my tail" means to move towards a goal.

The Speech can be written phonetically, but is more often written using the original claw-print script. In classic tales, hand and body motions accompany the speech. The Dragon's Tongue is also the language of Mokolé in Archid, and even Suchid form allows some halting, primitive conversation in the Speech. Shrouded Sun adepts tell their students that the original form of the language was as a dance. The hand and body movements are called the Language of Claws and must be learned separately. Someone who knows this language can speak volumes without making a sound.

Mokolé, like most of the Changing breeds, have a vulnerability to a particular metal tied to a spiritual aspect. However, they are weak to not only one but two metals. The first of these is Gold. Like the Corax, the Mokolé are tied to the Sun, and thus are weak to this metal. However, the Mokolé born at night have maintained a tie between the Dragon Breed and Luna; and at any rate, the Mokolé are filled with Rage, called Luna's Gift. Therefore, they are also vulnerable to Silver.

While Mokolé can enter the Umbra, they cannot step sideways without the assistance of Gifts or Rites. Even then, most do not due to the danger that is had there. The souls of the Unfortunates unborn metis, called the Innocents, wait for their parents there. For this reason, most Mokolé venture into the High Umbra rather than the Spirit Wilds that other Shifters normally visit.


Through their use of Mnesis, the Mokolé remember the time of their rule. During the age of dinosaurs, the Mokolé were at their peak of evolution, having built a culture that rivaled that of mortals in their prime. But something went wrong -some blame the Wyrm for this, other claim that the Lizard Kings grew too proud and that Gaia's favor switched to the warm-blooded creatures- and the Age of Kings, the one true civilization in the eyes of the Mokolé, came to an end. The Mokolé began to sleep as the sun vanished from the sky and such began the Age of Sleep. The evolution of humans interrupted the slumber of the weredragons. As the sages say, Gaia made the first humans as breeding stock, so that all of the Fera could survive. The Mokolé took humans as their Kin and began to withdraw themselves from the Fera in order to preserve their memories. Soon, the mammalian shifters grew suspicious of their monstrous forms and their strange rituals, until the suspicion escalated into aggression and the War of Rage began. The Garou, who triggered the War, killed many Mokolé and destroyed many Clutches, for which the Mokolé have never forgiven them. The survivors fled into the swamps and jungles of the tropics, and many began to flee into their memories. There they lived nearly undisturbed, for the primitive mortals feared and worshipped them and the other Fera lived far away. The River Pact between the Silent Striders and the Mokolé of the Nile guaranteed them a period of peace and of contemplation.

Today, many Mokolé concentrate simply on surviving the Apocalypse, spawning enough clutches and breeding enough young Mokolé. They have seen the omens that heralded the end of the Age of Kings in the Dragon's Dream, and now hope to survive the coming mass extinction again. The Mokolé are the Memory of Gaia, and each one carries within him a myriad of ancestral names and faces. This tumult of inner voices makes it a wonder that the Mokolé ever get anything done at all, but in fact they have a complex social order, one traditional since the time of the Kings.


The Mokolé only have two breeds, the default homid and suchid breeds. Metis children always die before they are born and become angry spirits known as Innocents, which haunt their parents and mourn their lost chance at life.


Mokolé Zhong Lung forms 01

Mokolé Zhong Lung forms

Mokolé have three forms: Homid (human), Archid (draconic), and Suchid (reptilian). Their legendary Drachid form (a humanoid form capable of complex tool use) was lost in the Wonder-Work and no Mokolé since has been able to achieve it. A few Mokolé learn to assume a "Reptoid" form between Homid and Archid (similar to the Garou Glabro form) through careful practice and communion with spirits.

  • Homid - Mokolé in human form will look similar to the rest of the human population where they are originally from. They may sometimes have shared characteristics with their animal form, such as having slightly scaly skin or being 'brutish' in appearance.
  • Archid - The war form is considered to be the "true shape" of any individual Mokolé. Through Mnesis, they dream about the reptiles, birds, and dinosaurs from the past, which determines the characteristics of the Archid form.
  • Suchid - The Suchid form is typically that of a crocodile, alligator, gila monster, or similar large reptile. The Suchid form reflects on the varna of the Mokolé.

Stats in this form vary depending on the size of the animal in question. A saltwater crocodile will have a much greater strength rating than that of a Gila monster. Likewise, Gila monster and Komodo dragon Mokolé are poisonous.


Similar to Corax, the Mokolé take their auspices from the sun rather than the moon.

  • The Rising Sun - Called "Striking", these Mokolé are warriors against the forces of the Wyrm and of darkness (such as Kindred).
  • The Noonday Sun - Called "Unshading", these Mokolé are the judges and law-keepers of the dragon-folk, and are born when the sun is at its highest point.
  • The Setting Sun - Called "Warding", these Mokolé are often found defending sites of significance to the Mokolé, and are born at dusk.
  • The Shrouded Sun - Called "Concealing", these Mokolé are cunning shamans, and are born under a cloudy sky.
  • The Midnight Sun - Called "Shining", these Mokolé are tricksters similar to the Garou Ragabash, and are born at night.
  • The Decorated Sun - Called "Gathering", these Mokolé are leaders responsible for directing the wallows and keeping their people organized, and are hatched or born under solar halos or "sun-dogs."
  • The Solar Eclipse - Called "Crowning", these very rare Mokolé are the unquestioned leaders of their people. They are born during a solar eclipse, and are considered royalty by their people. Often mother Mokolé will try and have their children in time for an event such as this.
  • The Kinfolk - Sometimes known as the Eighth Sun.


There are no "tribes" to command the loyalty of Mokolé. Mokolé are neither pack creatures like the Garou, nor solitary like the Bastet. Instead, they are united into clutches, family-like groups of Mokolé and Kin. The clutches are localized and preserve the Memory of a certain area. Wanderers pass between them to unite what remains of Gaia's Memory. Clutches ally into streams, the four great "rivers out of Eden" which are the Mokolé.

The four streams are:

  • Gumagan - the stream of fire, who inhabit Australia and Oceania, a stream represented primarily by Aborigines and Melanesians. Known as the Stream of the Forerunners, they are well-respected by other Mokolé for their insights into the spirit world, particularly the Dreamtime. Unlike other streams, all Gumagan are capable of entering the Umbra. They are known for their extensive and primeval Mnesis: their memories of the earliest days of the Earth.
  • Mokolé-mbembe - the stream of earth, traditionally have stalked the swamps and waterways of Africa and the Americas. The Stream of the Fighters are by far the largest of the four streams, and as the current End Times approach, their numbers are steadily growing. The African ones are allied with the Ahadi.
  • Zhong Lung - the stream of water, who inhabit the Middle Kingdom and are allied with the Hengeyokai. They are known as the Stream of the Philosophers. Although they have inherited the millennial Mnesis of countless scholars and teachers, because of their association with the Emerald Courts, they have the fewest memories of conflict with other shapechangers. Throughout the Middle Kingdoms of China, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam, they have endured as the stream least harmed by the Garou. Known for their epic patience, their aspects are measured by the season in which they are born.
  • Makara - the stream of air, who inhabit the Indian sub-continent. The Stream of the Folk have been heavily influenced by human politics, religion, and mysticism. The Makara consider themselves diplomats to the other Changing Breeds. Their four auspices are determined by the seasons, and are further subdivided by the caste systems of their homelands, to such a great extent that outsiders rarely understand the finer distinctions between them.


Each Mokolé has a Varna, which is the species it can produce offspring with.

Mokolé-Mbembe Varnas
  • Champsa: Nile crocodiles
  • Halpatee: American alligators
  • Piasa: American crocodiles
  • Syrta: Caimans
  • Unktehi: Gila monsters and Mexican beaded lizards, the smallest of all the Mokolé
Gumagan Varnas
  • Karna: Saltwater crocodile
  • Ora: Monitor lizards, such as the perenty and the goanna
Makara Varnas
  • Gharial: Gavials
  • Karna: Saltwater crocodiles
  • Makara: Mugger crocodiles
Zhong-Lung Varnas
  • Karna: Saltwater crocodiles
  • Lung: Chinese alligators
  • Ora: Monitor lizards, particularly the Komodo dragon
Vanished Varna
  • Ao: turtles and tortoises.
  • Snake varnas: now a separate Changing Breed, the Nagah.


The Mokolé are the oldest of the Changing Breeds. Paradoxically, they are at once the most unified and most divided. Unlike their old enemies, the Garou, who are one wolf species worldwide, they are many species and many genera: monitors, gavials, alligators, crocodiles, and Gila monsters. Their human forms are divided likewise among the human peoples of the tropics. Each Mokolé lives by the “moment of the sun” which marked the time of her birth in the day or year. The absence of Sun at night means that some Mokolé follow Luna instead; they are the only Changing Breed to revere both Helios and Luna (and because of the close relationship with these spirits, both gold and silver deal aggravated damage to the Mokolé). Complicating things further, the Mokolé are further divided into streams (the four great regional alliances of their kind) and individual clutches (local groups). Unifying forces, however, are stronger.

Most Mokolé maintain modest places were they can hide and spawn enough hatchlings to perpetuate their race. These breeding grounds are known as Wallows, home for both human and reptilian forms they take. Most wallows are places were humans and reptiles can coexist with one another: alligator farms in Florida, ruined temples to forgotten gods in India and along the Nile, riverside fishing communities in China, isolated hot springs in the Australian outback, and similar locales.

Like all intelligent life, weresaurians gather to form small, moderately social clans known as Clutches. Two Clutches may harbor grudges and petty rivalries for generations, sometimes warring over slight misunderstandings. Now, however, survival is the chief concern, and while killing each other is out of the question in these times, injury and shame is enough to quell most temporary hostilities.

In an ideal world, a healthy, functioning clutch depends on the relationships between the different aspects of Mokolé society. In the West, this is a grouping of all seven Solar Auspices also known as a "Perfect Clutch." However, these are far from ideal times. And as the dragon-shifters are few and far between, young weresaurians venturing out into the world are more likely to form an "Imperfect Clutch" of five auspices in their quests to change history.

Gifts and Rituals[]

Mokolé use a mix of Garou and Corax Gifts, in addition to some of their own. Many ancient gifts and rites are at their command, such as the Rite which allowed the Kucha Ekundu to survive in Africa.


Mokolé use the same Renown system as the Garou, revering the Tenets of Honor, Wisdom, and Glory. The degree to which an individual Mokolé follows each tenet is determined entirely by their Aspect (Auspice).

The Duties[]

Helios has given his Children a series of moral and personal imperatives by which to live their lives. Called the Duties, these are the Mokolé precursor to the Garou Litany. Each Duty is connected to one solar auspice, although all Mokolé are bound by them. Violations of the Duties merit reprimands, loss of status, and other punishments. Serious offenders are eaten. The Unshading enforce the laws, although even Midnight Suns will chastise an undutiful Mokolé. Mokolé who have reached their First Change alone (lost hatchlings) are sometimes seduced by the Wyrm. These Mokolé, if they Fall to the Dissolver, lose solar gifts and mnesis.

  • Cull The Fallen: The Duty of the Rising Sun demands that the Mokolé hunt those who have forsaken Gaia, serve the Dissolver, or those who betray the Duties.
  • Let No Shade Accuse You: The Duty of the Noonday Sun demands that no Mokolé will mate with another Mokolé, in order to prevent another Innocent plaguing the Mokolé.
  • Guard The Wallow: The Duty of the Setting Sun demands the protection of one's own wallow and the respect of the wallows of others.
  • The Veil Must Not Be Lifted: The Duty of the Shrouded Sun demands that the Mokolé will not reveal themselves or Mnesis to others.
  • Test The Clutch: The Duty of of the Midnight Sun demands that those born under the No-Sun have to prepare their clutch-mates for the unsuspected.
  • All Are Of Gaia: The Duty of the Decorated Sun demands respect to all life and especially their Kinfolk
  • Remember: The Duty of the Eclipsed Sun demands that the Mokolé fulfill the purpose Gaia gave them.

Relationships with Others[]

  • The Garou: The Mokolé despise the Garou due to their actions during the War of Rage. The Garou considered the Mokolé to be Wyrm-spawn due to their reptilian appearance, and greatly reduced Mokolé numbers by smashing their eggs.
  • The Bastet: The Mokolé and Bastet share a mutual respect due to their long history together. The Mokolé played a role in destroying the corrupted Simba Black Tooth. The Ajaba hold them in particularly high regard for this.
  • The Nagah: Though they rarely see any representatives of this breed, the Mokolé consider the Nagah to be "clutch-mates."
  • The Rokea: The Mokolé and Rokea share a truce, so long as they stay out of the sea.
  • The Gurahl: The Mokolé are friendly towards the Gurahl, and in the past have taught them rituals of prolonged sleep to help them escape Garou persecution.

Mokolé consider themselves neutral towards the other Fera, with the exception of the Ananasi, who are generally mistrusted.

As creatures of the sun, Mokolé do not get along with vampires. All attempts on embracing a Mokolé will fail. As a blessing from the sun, the Mokolé will either die immediately, or will enter a frenzy that ultimately destroys both the vampire and itself.

Known Mokolé[]


The Merit Bite of the Monitor is more dangerous than indicated, shifting upwards one level (season, month, week, every full day, every sunrise and sundown); Archid form suffers only -2 to Manipulation; the combat maneuver Wishbone causes Strength +5 damage.

Due to their cold blood, all Mokolé can soak fire damage when not in Homid form.


Version Differences[]

First Edition[]

The Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rulebook (1992) mentions werealligators being in the amazon.

The Werewolf Players Guide (1993) introduces the Mokolé, their lexicon, Dragon Kings, Bird Kings, Pouched Kings, Mnesis, Wallows, history, habitat, Dragon Totem, Archid form characteristics, breeds, Matre, forms, special combat maneuvers (Tail Lash and Head Butt), Aspects (Suns), gift list, rites, and a Mokolé character.

Form Statistics

Strength Stamina Dexterity Appearance Manipulation Difficulty
Archid: +4 Archid: +4 Archid: -1 Archid: 0 Archid: -3 Archid: 6
Suchid: +2 Suchid: +3 Suchid: -1 Suchid: - Suchid: -2 Suchid: 6

Rage Across the Amazon (1993) features the Mokolé, Grrrash tak'nyrrr and a Mokolé character.

The GURPS Werewolf: The Apocalypse Companion book was canceled, since the Vampire version is the Players Guide, this book would have featured the Mokolé in it if it was published.

Second Edition[]


Revised Edition[]

Werewolf Storytellers Companion (2001) has a section on the Mokolé and lists a Mokolé Wetlands Biologist for use in games; Umbra Revised (2001) mentions the additional features Mokolé gain while in the Pangaea realm.

The Mokolé are usually mentioned in the viewpoints in the Revised Tribebooks, these include: Tribebook: Black Furies (2001), Tribebook: Bone Gnawers (2001), Tribebook: Children of Gaia (2002), Tribebook: Fianna (2002), Tribebook: Get of Fenris (2002), Tribebook: Glass Walkers (2002), Tribebook: Red Talons (2002), Tribebook: Shadow Lords (2002), Tribebook: Silent Striders (2003), Tribebook: Stargazers (2003) and Tribebook: Uktena (2003).

Players Guide to the Changing Breeds (2003) presents the Mokolé history, legends, lexicon, organization, traits, breeds, Streams, Solar Auspices, archid characteristics, combat maneuvers (Tail Lash, Head Butt, Jaw Shear and Swallow Whole), forms, gift list, rites and stereotypes. The Zhong Lung are discussed in the Beast Courts chapter and the Mokolé in the Ahadi chapter.

Form Statistics

Strength Stamina Dexterity Appearance Manipulation
Archid: +4 Archid: +4 Archid: -1 Archid: 0 Archid: -3
Suchid: Halpatee/Paisa: +2 Suchid: Halpatee/Paisa: +3 Suchid: Halpatee/Paisa: -1 Suchid: Halpatee/Paisa: - Suchid: Halpatee/Paisa: -2
Suchid: Ora: +0 Suchid: Ora: +2 Suchid: Ora: +0 Suchid: Ora: - Suchid: Ora: -4
Suchid: Unktehi: -1 Suchid: Unktehi: +1 Suchid: Unktehi: +0 Suchid: Unktehi: - Suchid: Unktehi: -3
Suchid: Karna/Champsa: +3 Suchid: Karna/Champsa: +3 Suchid: Karna/Champsa: -2 Suchid: Karna/Champsa: - Suchid: Karna/Champsa: -4
Suchid: Gharial/Syrta: +1 Suchid: Gharial/Syrta: +3 Suchid: Gharial/Syrta: -1 Suchid: Gharial/Syrta: - Suchid: Gharial/Syrta: -4
Suchid: Makara: +1 Suchid: Makara: +2 Suchid: Makara: +0 Suchid: Makara: - Suchid: Makara: -3

Rage Across Egypt (2001), the Mokolé are discussed in the appendix and a character is listed; Werewolf Storytellers Handbook Revised (2002) discusses the Zhong Lung of the Beast Courts and how to use the Mokolé in Storyteller games, Possessed (2002) discusses how rare Mokolé Drones are with the ones that do exist being massive storehouses of Weaver-lore and data; Book of the City (2002) discuss the Mokolé in sewers for storytellers who can't resist it; and Hammer & Klaive (2003) lists Mokolé Fetishes and discusses the culture around fetish-making with the Mokolé. Apocalypse (2004), discusses that the Mokolé remembered the signs from past "Wonderworks" and are performing their final duties to this world. In the Weaver Ascendant scenario, the Mokolé might prove to be essential allies in the Garou's struggles against the Weaver. In the Ragnarok scenario, a Mokolé calling herself Radiant-Light insists that the Garou make a gesture of genuine atonement for the Wars of Rage as a means of sealing a truce. By performing the Rite of Sin-Eating, a pack of Garou will be taken to meet with Mokolé elders and loremasters. The negotiations involve alliances and how to deal with Rorg's Claw. The pack is then sent off on a mission through a Mnesis Quest to the First Times. While there, they meet the Khara, Apis, Grondr, Camazotz and the One Tribe of Garou, the most important thing that the elders teach is the Rite of Waking the Moon. The Mokolé themselves have divided into three major groups: The Tail, the Dragonriggers who sail far into the Deep Umbra and the Nomads of Time, who enter the Sleep of the Dragon to avoid disaster. The Belly, Mokolé who try to find lost gifts and rites to provide aid to others. And the Head, who are Mokolé that join the Garou and other Changers on the field of the Final Battle.

Mind Eye Theatre books include: Laws of the Wild Revised Edition (2001) has the Mokolé in the Changing Breeds section; Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2 (2000), Book of the Wyrm (2001) introduces the Dumenkara (Changed to Mnetics in 20th Edition) and Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts (2002) discusses the Zhong Lung.

20th Anniversary Edition[]

Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition (2013), Changing Breeds (2013), presents their history, lexicon, organization, streams, wallows, clutches, traits, innocents, renown, breeds, auspices (Suns), seasonal auspices, mnesis, combat maneuvers (Tail Lash, Head Butt, Jaw Shear and Swallow Whole), ranks, forms, archid characteristics, a gift list, rites and stereotypes. The Ao are introduced in the Lost Breeds chapter. There is discussion of the Mokolé in the Ahadi appendix and the Zhong Lung in the Hengeyokai appendix.

Form Statistics

Strength Stamina Dexterity Appearance Manipulation
Archid: +4 Archid: +4 Archid: -1 Archid: 0 Archid: -3
Suchid: Champsa: +3 Suchid: Champsa: +3 Suchid: Champsa: -2 Suchid: Champsa: - Suchid: Champsa: -4
Suchid: Gharial: +1 Suchid: Gharial: +3 Suchid: Gharial: -1 Suchid: Gharial: - Suchid: Gharial: -4
Suchid: Halpatee: +2 Suchid: Halpatee: +3 Suchid: Halpatee: -1 Suchid: Halpatee: - Suchid: Halpatee: -2
Suchid: Karna: +3 Suchid: Karna: +3 Suchid: Karna: -2 Suchid: Karna: - Suchid: Karna: -4
Suchid: Makara: +1 Suchid: Makara: +2 Suchid: Makara: +0 Suchid: Makara: - Suchid: Makara: -3
Suchid: Ora: +0 Suchid: Ora: +2 Suchid: Ora: +0 Suchid: Ora: - Suchid: Ora: -4
Suchid: Piasa: +2 Suchid: Piasa: +3 Suchid: Piasa: -1 Suchid: Piasa: - Suchid: Piasa: -2
Suchid: Syrta: +1 Suchid: Syrta: +3 Suchid: Syrta: -1 Suchid: Syrta: - Suchid: Syrta: -4
Suchid: Unktehi: -1 Suchid: Unktehi: +1 Suchid: Unktehi: +0 Suchid: Unktehi: - Suchid: Unktehi: -3

Songs of the Sun and Moon: Tales of the Changing Breeds (2014), features a story with a Mokolé; Rage Across the World (2013) has a Mokolé character mentioned; Kinfolk: A Breed Apart (2016), discusses Mokolé Kinfolk; Wyld West Expansion Pack (2014) discusses the Mokolé in the Western Fera section; Book of the Wyrm 20th Anniversary Edition (2014) features the Mnetics; and the non-canonical Shattered Dreams (2016) features the Mokolé and the Ao.

Mind's Eye Theatre: Werewolf: The Apocalypse (2016) features the Mokolé.

The Apocalyptic Record (2023) and Icons of Rage (2024) feature the Mokolé Gumagan.

5th Edition[]

5th Edition continues to make reference to crocodile-shifters (in keeping with the parlance of the Garou and their highly limited knowledge of other fera), but has not as of yet specified whether or not they survived the War of Rage.


  • In the Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rulebook (1992), it is said that a variety of werejaguars, weresnakes, werebats and werealligators live in the shrinking jungles of the Amazon.[7]
  • The Mokolé are first introduced in the Werewolf Players Guide (1993).
  • The Mokolé are named after the Mokolé-mbembé.
  • The Mokolé are based on Werecrocodiles from African folktales and beliefs.
  • They are probably also inspired by weredragons from Dungeons & Dragons, various myths about humans turning into dragons and various myths about dragons being able to assume a human shape.
  • The Lizard Kings are inspired by Dale Russell's Dinosauroid from 1982. However, there has been recent depictions about what a more accurate sapient dinosaur would look like, such as C. M. Kosemen's and Simon Roy's Avisapiens.
  • The movie, Jurassic Park (1993) also played a part in inspiring the Mokolé.
  • Suchid comes from suchus, which means "Crocodile". Archid comes from Archosaur, "archo" which means "ruling".
  • The Corax are related to the Mokolé.
  • Many of the Varnas are named after mythical and folk tales of dragons around the world.
  • Extinct species of crocodiles include: Deinosuchus, Kaprosuchus, Sarcosuchus, Simosuchus, Armadillosuchus, Stomatosuchus, Quinkana, Rhamphosuchus, Purussaurus, etc.


  1. A Mokole mentioned in WTWW: Tales from the Trails: Mexico, p. 16 , who was according to Mokole legend worshipped as the original pre-Colombian God Quetzalcoatl in Ancient Mexico's Teotihuacan, whose overthrow and sacrificed by Humans at the behest of the Olmec Queen the Mummy known as Malinche (See Also: La Malinche) precipitated the ongoing war between the Changing Breeds of Meso America and Queen Malinche, and then one another.
  2. The Mokole Detective Hank Machak is an Officer of North Carolina's, Raleigh Police Department, and the featured protagonist in the short story "Secretkeeper", p. 62-74 by Ree Soesbee, in the Onyx Path Publishing, W20 changing breeds fictional anthology, Songs of the Sun and Moon: Tales of the Changing Breeds (2014) Edited by Jess Hartley.
  3. See: WTA: Rage: Warriors of the Apocalypse, p. 90-91 , Rage: War in the Amazon CCG and the Rage Novel, Breathe Deeply.
  4. See: WTA: Rage: Warriors of the Apocalypse, p. 91 , Rage War in the Amazon, and the Rage novel Breathe Deeply.
  5. See: WTA: Rage: Warriors of the Apocalypse, p. 89-90 , Rage: War in the Amazon CCG, and the Rage novel Breathe Deeply.
  6. See: WTA: Rage: Warriors of the Apocalypse, p. 89 , Rage: War in the Amazon CCG and the Rage novel Breathe Deeply.
  7. WTA: Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rulebook, p. 50
Werewolf: The Apocalypse Fera
Gaian Breeds Ajaba · Ananasi · Apis · Bastet · Camazotz · Corax · Garou · Grondr · Gurahl · Kitsune · Mokolé · Nagah · Nuwisha · Ratkin · Rokea
Wyrmish Breeds Anurana · Kerasi · Samsa · Yeren