White Wolf Wiki

Mogen HaLev, meaning "the Shield of the 36", refers to a sorcerous society of Kabbala scholars. 


The Mogen HaLev originated centuries ago, with a mandate to discover and protect the 36 upright human beings who myth says protect the world through their primal goodness. The group comes from the well-known Kabbalistic academy at Genoa and spend their time trying to find the 36 through their agents and try to protect the righteous.

Members are all male and at least 40 and led by the Baal Shem Tov (Master of the Good Name) who is at least 100. Most are at least 60 and keep to Orthodox Jewish dress and habits. The group is centered in New York, where it does divinatory work and where the group has an extensive occult library. The group also has considerable money and an extensive network of contacts and agents to protect the worthy.

Background Information[]

  • In previous editions, this organization was known as the "Mogen Ha Chav."


Sorcerous Affiliations
Standard Affiliations Ancient Order of the Aeon Rites · The Arcanum · Balamo'ob · The Children of Osiris · The Cult of Isis · The Cult of Mercury · The Dozen Priests of the Pythian Order · The Fenian · Forn Jafnaðr · Maison Liban · Mogen HaLev · Nebuu-Afef · The Nephite Priesthood · The Newburgh Group · The Seven Thunders · The Silver Portal · The Society of Enlightened Altruistic Ideologies · The Star Council · Thal'hun · US Government: Project Twilight · Uzoma
Mage-run Affiliations Council of Nine Mystic Traditions · Disparate Alliance · Technocratic Union
Redworking Affiliations The Almost Assembly · The Calderone · CRONUS/DOVECOTE · House Carna · House Goratrix · Lui Domien · The Plague Oracles · Sunburners
Minor or Defunct Affiliations Asatru Futhark · Bata'a · Masters of Stonecrop