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Miscellaneous Rites are rites that are so far uncategorized from Werewolf: The Apocalypse.

First Edition Rite List[]

  • Unknown Level[1]
    • Rite of Jupiter Binding - Harold Goodston
    • Rite of Scattering - An ancient ritual used by the Black Fury Philodox, Chryseis Athene, to protect their caern from the violation of the Wyrm's agents. The rite influenced the architecture, city planning and ideals of Washington D.C. A pack of Bone Gnawers rediscovered the caern in the 60's and established the Sept of the Awakening.
  • Level Two[2]
    • Rite of Initiation - Allows characters to ignore any of Valkenburg's various mystical wards meant to restrain the patients. They can go where they please within the Foundation now. There is also another benefit for the pack: upon completion the Initiation Rite, they each receive 100 points of Honor and 50 points of Wisdom.
  • Level Three[3]
    • Rite of Dreaming - This rite allows any number of Garou to travel together through the Dream Zone. Garou may enter Dream directly from the physical plane with this rite. The rite is performed by painting a series of symbols on each of the participants while intoning the proper sounds. Each participant then eats a paste made up of a special combination of herbs and goes to sleep. The leader of the rite rolls Charisma + Rituals (difficulty 7). The number of successes will suggest to the Storyteller the clarity and effectiveness of the Dream.
    • Rite of Homecoming - This rite allows a Garou to immediately transport to her tribal homeland from anywhere in the Umbra. Members of the rite leader's pack may be transported with her to her homeland. The Silent Striders cannot use this rite to get to their homeland.
  • Level Five[4]

Breed Rite[]

  • Level One[5]
    • Lupus: Rite of Birth Time - This rite allows a Garou to detect when a female will give birth. This is used by lupus to determine when they should return to their pack to check on the newborn and see if they are Garou. Homids find this rite disgusting. This requires a Perception + Primal-Urge roll against a 7 difficulty. One success will tell the Garou the week of the birth, two successes will give a three-day period, three successes will give the day, and five successes the hour.

Tribal Rite[]

  • Level Two[6]
    • Red Talons: Rite of Migration - This is a rite performed only by the Red Talons. It is done before a great migration of a sept, and prevents the sept from becoming separated during the trek, During the journey, every sept member is considered to have the Gift: Attunement for the purpose of finding fellow sept members. Roll Perception + Survival).

Silver Pack Rite[]

Black Spiral Dancer Rites[]

  • Unknown Level[8]
    • Black Spiral Dancers: Rite of Draconic Liberation - This is a Black Spiral Dancer rite, developed through years of research and pieces of knowledge seized from Garou ancestor spirits who once knew the Rite of Draconic Binding. However, only two Black Spirals know this rite, and they were both devoured by Goluko as they cast it. Whether or not another Black Spiral is around who knows this rite is the Storyteller's decision.
  • Level Two[9]
    • Black Spiral Dancers: Rite of Arterial Introduction - Zhyzhak - Used to initiate new Guardians, this rite allows them to travel Grammaw's bloodstream without getting burned or disoriented.

Seventh Generation Rites[]

Second Edition Rite List[]

  • Unknown Level[11]
    • Rite of Expulsion - The Rite of Expulsion is the more dangerous of the two rites to reclaim a corrupted caern; it is during this time that the Wyrm-spirit totem is evicted. Obviously, the totem is rarely willing to abandon its home.
    • Rites of Purgation - Mentioned in the Silver Record tale, The City of Maggots.
    • Rite of Reclamation - The next ritual to reclaim a corrupted caern is the Rite of Reclamation. This rite assists the former caern totem in recovering from the ordeal suffered at the hands of its oppressors. The ritemaster who recently bested the Wyrm totem usually performs this rite as well, although it is not required. However, if another Theurge assumes the role of ritemaster, the difficulty on all rolls increases by 1. Coaxing the recovering spirit into showing itself is an effort that requires a great deal of patience. It is not a task for the rash, and even Garou with considerable patience find it a constant struggle.
  • Level Five[12]
    • The Song of Ages - This rite, available only to Keepers of the Silver Record (who themselves must be Galliards of Athro rank or greater) or their students, spiritually empowers a tale, binding it to the greater body of the Silver Record. The ritemaster sings or chants the tale as he claws the story in pictogram form into a sanctified surface, preferably with as many onlookers and listeners as possible. When the tale is ended, the ritemaster bows to the four directions, then leads the assembled Garou in a mighty howl of acknowledgement.

Tribal Rites[]

  • Unknown Level[13]
    • Bone Gnawers: Rite of the Grand Dance - Another rite that I have long wished I could witness is the Rite of the Grand Dance. I am not entirely sure what this rite consists of, but I can make a few guesses. I believe it is some kind of costume ball for Bone Gnawers only. It has something to do with fantasy or science fiction. I know that a full orchestra is hired for each Grand Dance.
    • Wendigo: Jeesekum (Shaking Tent Ceremony) - A Lodge of Mysteries rite, in a tent erected for the purpose of the rite, they call upon their spirit advisors and ask questions of them. While the spirits confer among themselves, their sounds shake the whole tent, so that those outside become fearful that it may collapse. Once their answers are given, the tent calms and the Theurges emerge to tell us what will be.
  • Level Two[14]
    • Black Furies: Rite of Teaching - This unusual rite is conducted only while in Homid form, in the company of human women. During kuklochoros, the Mistress of the Rite passes ancient secrets of womanhood to her human guests. These secrets include aspects of sexuality, childbirth, and contraception, the primal connection of woman to the land, herb lore and physical and emotional healing.
  • Level One - Three
    • Stargazers: Mantras - There are various mantras - works of power - used by Stargazers to achieve certain effects. Each mantra must be chanted during the course of the rite, which usually lasts for one minute per level to cast, during which the Stargazer can take no other actions. Most mantra effects last for a scene.
      • Om (Level One) - By chanting the universal word of creation and unity, Stargazers can calm others down and diffuse violence. Rage rolls are at +1 difficulty for all beings who hear the chant.
      • Om Habhava Dhi (Level Two) - Calls upon Serene Habhava. Grants wisdom. All Wits or Intelligence rolls are at -1 difficulty.
      • Om Chakala Phat (Level Three) - Calls upon Fierce Chakal. Drives away evil influences and distractions - Banes cannot manifest in the area and Enigmas rolls are at -1 difficulty. In addition, Black Spiral Dancers in the area suffer a reverse effect, that of distraction: +1 difficulty on Enigmas rolls.
  • Level One - Five
    • Stargazers: Chi Kung/Yoga - Many Stargazers practice such energy techniques as Chi Kung or Yoga. These practices cleanse the aura/meridians/chakras to aid in health and mental acuity. Chi Kung is similar to the Chinese art of Tai Chi, and involves both standing and sitting meditations. Yoga seeks to repeat the postures each being performed when in the womb, to awaken primordial energy and health, there are many Garou yogas for each form, from Homid to Lupus.
    • These exercises are usually done for one hour in the morning and provide their effects for the full day, although certain types of energy work can be done during certain hours of the day for best effect. If less than an hour is practiced, the rite is not effective.
    • There are deeper and deeper levels of such practices, represented by five levels of rites. (Cleansing, Exercise, Centering, Meditation and Restoration).

Tribal Camp Rite[]

  • Level Two[15]
    • Temple of Artemis and Moon-Daughters' Rite: Rite of the Oracle - The group performing this rite chooses one among them to be the sibyl. As the others gather in a circle around her, the sibyl inhales the smoke of burning herbs and enters into a trance, during which she may gain insights from the Goddess. The Mistress of the Rite asks a question, and the sibyl replies enigmatically, but with truth. The Storyteller is encouraged to make the sibyl's answers as cryptic as possible, and players should be left to puzzle out their import alone.

Silver Pack Rite[]

Hakken Rite[]

  • Unknown Level[17]
    • Rite of Seppuku - Most Westerners think this is merely ritual suicide in protest of a daimyo's policy or because a Hakken has failed in her duty. The rite, however, also restores lost honor to the celebrant's clan or allows a Hakken to join her departed daimyo of she feels she can't continue without his guidance. A Hakken gains approximately five points of Honor and two points of Wisdom posthumously for participating in the Rite of Seppuku. Her clan is likewise given esteem. If the daimyo is still living, it's customary for the Hakken to obtain permission before beginning this rite.

Black Spiral Dancer Rites[]

  • Unknown Level[18]
    • Black Spiral Dancers: Rite of Alliance - The pack must work together on their first, great infamous task in service to the Wyrm. Durig this initiation, the servitors of this cult receive mystical insights, often through visions and illusory voices. Black Spiral Ragabash call this quest a "Road Trip." Galliards retell tales of the most infamous quests in an epic poem entitled Fear and Loathing (the first journey involved the pursuit of Raoul King, a renowned Gangrel "gonzo" journalist). The type of Bane-totem - Cunning, Corruption or Strength - influences the types of journeys required.
    • Black Spiral Dancers: Rite of Desecration - Simply destroying all the caern's defenders is not sufficient to corrupt a caern, although the surviving attackers can easily pollute the surrounding area. A Black Spiral Dancer Theurge must officiate over the loathsome Rite of Desecration. The first half of the rite can take as long as 36 hours to perform completely. This time offers the defenders their best chance to regroup and rescue the caern before Dancers accomplish anything permanent. During this period, the Theurge must make no more than 18 Manipulation + Rituals rolls (difficulty 7). Accumulating 50 successes completes this portion of the corruption process and binds the totem to the physical realm. A single botched roll means the rite fails, and the totem escapes into the Umbra. During the entire ritual, the Theurge must not be disturbed or the rite fails, and she suffers five Health Levels of aggravated damage from the enraged totem. While the ritemaster is gathering the required successes, a chosen champion duels the caern totem to finish the second half of the ritual. If the Black Spiral Dancer defeats the totem and the Theurge gathers the needed successes, anew Wyrm totem is chosen and the former totem is forced to serve its new master. At this point, the ritemaster makes one final Charisma + Rituals roll (difficulty 5 + former caern rank). The Dancer may not spend Willpower to guarantee success on this roll. The number of successes indicates the new rank of the caern. At this point, the caern has become a Defiled one. The caern begins to manifest its new abilities. Usually, they are variations on the old Gaian abilities with new...twists. If this rite fails, the ritemaster may be dragged off to Erebus while all other participating Black Spiral Dancers receive five Health Levels of aggravated damage.

Fomori Rite[]

Aquatic Changeling Rites[]

  • Unknown Level[20]
    • Murdhuacha: Rite of Dagon - The Murdhuacha version of Rite of Vatea. A surviving Murdhuacha nereid is taken to the nearest grotto. Any fish or cetacean that enters the grotto, the merrow either leave of kill the emerging merfolk fry. But should the Grotto be explored by one of the sea's other denizens (crabs, lobsters, nudibranch, octopus, squid, etc.), the child emerges a full-blooded merrow.
    • Merfolk: Rite of Vatea - A Merfolk nereid is taken to a grotto and waits for the next animal to enter that grotto. That animal bonds with the child, and becomes her Apsara.

Revised Edition Rite List[]

  • Level One[21]
    • Rite of Abscission - This rite is very, very new; only in recent years have the Garou learned enough about Abscesses to be able to find a defense against their formation. Affording the caern the spiritual fortification it will need to defend itself, this rite is not only dangerous to the ritemaster, but to the caern as a whole if not performed properly and to exact detail. Ideally, the master of this rite should be the same person that opened the caern in the first place. If this is impossible, the ritemaster must call out to the spirit of the werewolf who opened the caern and ask for strength and wisdom, offering up chalice containing a small amount of blood from each member of the caern's Garou inhabitants is a worthy sacrifice, although the carcass of a Wyrm-minion, collection of talens or a greater fetish may also suffice depending on the nature of the caern's spirit. After the sacrifice is made (if necessary), the ritemaster must walk from the heart of the caern to the westernmost border of the caern's bawn at sunset and back again while the moon of her auspice is in apogee. This walk is performed while reciting the litany of every werewolf who has died in the defense of the caern since its opening. When the ritemaster returns to the heart of the caern, she must call out to the caern's spirit, re-affirming her sept's dedication to the caern in her solicitation for strength.
  • Level Two[22]
    • Rite of the Peacock - If the Rite of Contrition is a cure employed when a fetish becomes cursed, then the Rite of the Peacock is preventative medicine. The Rite of the Peacock is performed either once a year, once a season, once a month, once a week or even once a day, and is designed to stroke the ego of the spirit and keep it happy. The rite varies highly depending upon the breed performing it and the human culture (if any) surrounding the ritualist, but always possesses some common themes. The rite begins with a performance of some description, either singing, poetry, dancing or howling. Once this is completed, the ritualist continues with a string of praises for the fetish and the spirit within the fetish. To complete the rite, the fetish is held above the ritualist's head and its name is chanted three times.
  • Level Three[23]
    • Rite of Dreaming - Enacting this rite enables any number of shapeshifters to travel together through the Dream Zone. The enactor of the rite must paint a series of symbols on each of the rite's participants, all the while intoning the mystic phrases to accompany then. After this is done, all participants imbibe a special pasty concoction of certain mystic herbs, then go to sleep.
    • Rite of Homecoming - This rite enables a Garou to travel instantly to her tribal homeland from any point in the Umbra. Members of the rite leader's pack may also accompany her.
  • Level Four[24]
    • Rite of Phoebe's Stair - Only Phobe herself teaches this rite. When properly performed, this rite transports the ritemaster and his pack, who must all follow Phoebe (or Sokhta) as their totem, to the surface of the Aetherial moon. The rite must be performed within a lunae, one of crossroads of moon paths.
  • Level Five[25]
  • Level Six[26]
    • Rite of Waking the Moon (The Last Rite) - The Rite of Waking the Moon cannot be learned by Mokolé or Corax, only by a child of Luna. This Level 6 rite requires all the permanent Gnosis of all the ritemasters, meaning that they almost certainly can never perform another rite. Despite their fear of this fate and their hostility toward one another, ritemasters from each Gaian tribe attend, along with Corax to carry the news into the Umbra and a few Bastet, eager as always for secrets. The Storyteller may even have a renegade Black Spiral Dancer Theurge attend to fulfill the prophecy that Gaia can be saved through the cooperation of all the tribes. The presence of all the Lost during the Mnesis quest to obtain the rite fulfills the prophecy: dead, but alive in the Memory of Gaia. This rite is performed to move Luna to protect the Earth from the impact of Rorg's Claw (Asteroid). Taking the hit, causes the shattering of Luna. This rite is only available in the Apocalypse scenario: Ragnarok.

Tribal Rite[]

  • Unknown Level[27]
    • Children of Gaia: Rite of the Circle - Not much is known about this rite.

Tribal Camp Rites[]

  • Level Three[28]
    • Rite of the Sacred Hoop: Black Blood of Gaia - The Wyrmcomer's hunger for oil has destroyed and desecrated many of Wendigo's lands, driving his people from their homes, tearing apart the bones and blood of Mother Gaia. If a cunning Garou discovers where an oil well has been sunk, or if she sees surveying or drilling happening in her territory, she may use this Gift to alert Gaia, and ask elementals of the Earth to aid Her in redirecting the flow of the oil elsewhere, blocking it, or stopping it altogether. The ritemaster and participants hunt and kill a large animal, usually a caribou or deer, and the ritemaster tears the heart from the anima. She intones blessings upon Gaia and the sacred lands, while clenching the heart in her claws. She squeezes all the blood from the organ onto the ground, offering it to be absorbed by the Earth in sacrifice. Then the ritemaster and all other able participants of the ritual cut themselves and proffer their blood as well, giving their strength in exchange for the great forces that must be put to work beneath the surface of the Earth. Some Garou have bled themselves to death during this ritual, in an effort to offer the ultimate strength of their spirits, as well as their blood, to preserve the lands of Gaia from being despoiled.
  • Level Four[29]
    • Warpath Rite: Twitch the Idlak - The Warpath have preserved this method of hunting seals and put it to a unique use. The idlak, a tool used by arctic Kinfolk for many years, is created out of a delicate feather tired to a long thin sliver of wood or bone. A hunter sticks this tool into a breathing hole in the ice; when a seal swims to the hold and surfaces for breath, it makes the idlak flutter and tremble. Similarly, this rite allows a Wendigo to pierce the Gauntlet with a fetish idlak, capturing a friendly spirit of Gaffling inside its slender form. This sets an alarm that makes it unnecessary for a Garou to peek through to the Umbra and thereby leave her Earthly back defenseless. Any Bane, or any other dangerous spirits that belong to the Weaver or the Wyrm, may draw near the idlak's place in the Penumbra without noticing it. If the vile spirits pass too closely, or cross the Gauntlet by Materializing, the Gaffling sends a warning by setting the idlak in motion, both physically and spiritually. When it is triggered, it enables the Garou who planted it to track the spirit's manifestation, or helps her to cross quickly into the Penumbra to follow the spirit's tracks and to engage in battle with it.

Silver Pack Rite[]

Revised Lost Text[]

Both the Poison the Well and Cap the Well rites are discussed in the Apocalypse sourcebook, but are never detailed in its Appendix.[1] A Croatan rite, Ritual of Sacred Redemption, is talked about in the Tribe Falls chapter and also isn't detailed.[2]

20th Anniversary Rite List[]

  • Unknown Level[31]
    • Parting the Ways - Pack Totem Ritual - If the change is gradual, or if the pack and spirit can still find common ground, they might separate amicably. Totems want their packs to be content in their place and free to serve Gaia in the best way possible, and all but the most prideful would rather release a pack from service than watch resentment fester. Similarly, if a pack willingly disbands for any reason, their totem bond dissipates. While this parting of the ways may be ringed with sadness or bitterness, it is usually amicable. The same totem might be willing to "re-adopt" the pack later if circumstances change and the pack shows a renewed willingness to follow the totem's edicts.
    • Burning Bridges - Pack Totem Ritual - If the totem (or, for that matter, the pack) us unwilling or unable to communicate, the simplest means of cutting ties is for the pack to willfully and repeatedly violate the totem's Ban. Done deliberately and with ritual intent, this sends a clear message to the totem that it patronage is no longer welcome. This is a drastic step, unlikely to be taken well by the totem or by the Garou Nation at large; it's the mystical equivalent of announcing a breakup with your long-term partner by changing the locks and burning all their possessions on the lawn. The pack's original totem will almost certainly never take them back, and even other totems would require a great deal of convincing.
    • New Blood - Pack Totem, Rite of the Totem variation - Most Garou packs form when several young werewolves undergo their Rite of Passage at or around the same time, then set out to claim a totem and a place in Garou society. That doesn't always work though. Sometimes a pack suffers losses in battle and needs to reinforce, and other times First Changes come along so rarely that it might take years for enough Garou to form a new pack to come along. Long-established and famous packs have to deal with a constant trickle of cliath petitioning to join, and certain septs - especially those dominated by the Silver Fangs - expect true-bred children of powerful Garou to succeed their parents in their packs. On a practical, out-of-game level, sometimes you want to add a new player to your gaming group and bring her character into the pack.

Fifth Edition Rite List[]



Rage Cards[]


  1. WTA: Apocalypse, p. 114
  2. WTA: Apocalypse, p. 93

^  Level 0

Pack: Burning Bridges Changing Ways Pg. 119-120
Cap the Well Apocalypse Pg. 114
Wendigo: Jeesekum (Shaking Tent Ceremony) Wendigo Tribebook Pg. 35
Wendigo: Jeesekum (Shaking Tent Ceremony) Litany of the Tribes Volume 4 Pg. W: 35
Pack: New Blood Changing Ways Pg. 120-121
Pack: Parting the Ways Changing Ways Pg. 119
Poison the Well Apocalypse Pg. 114
Black Spiral Dancers: Rite of Alliance Book of the Wyrm Second Edition Pg. 102
Children of Gaia: Rite of the Circle Tribebook: Children of Gaia Pg. 4
Murdhuacha: Rite of Dagon World of Darkness: Blood-Dimmed Tides Pg. 72
Black Spiral Dancers: Rite of Desecration Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition Pg. 111
Black Spiral Dancers: Rite of Draconic Liberation Rage Across Russia Pg. 88
Black Spiral Dancers: Rite of Draconic Liberation Rage Across the World Volume 1 Pg. RAR: 88
Rite of Expulsion Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition Pg. 111
Bone Gnawers: Rite of the Grand Dance Bone Gnawers Tribebook Pg. 31
Bone Gnawers: Rite of the Grand Dance Litany of the Tribes Volume 1 Pg. BG: 31
Rite of Jupiter Binding Under a Blood Red Moon Pg. 91
Rite of Jupiter Binding Chicago Chronicles Volume 2 Pg. UaBRM: 91
Fomori: The Rite of Making Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori Pg. 54
Rites of Purgation The Silver Record Pg. 55
Rite of Reclamation Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition Pg. 111
Croatan: Ritual of Sacred Redemption Apocalypse Pg. 93
Rite of Scattering Caerns: Places of Power Pg. 29
Rite of Scattering Rage Across the World Volume 1 Pg. C: POP: 29
Hakken: Rite of Seppuku Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East Pg. 66
Hakken: Rite of Seppuku Hengeyokai: Way of the Beast Courts Pg. 56
Merfolk: Rite of Vatea World of Darkness: Blood-Dimmed Tides Pg. 69

^  Level 1

Stargazers: Chi Kung/Yoga: Cleansing Stargazers Tribebook Pg. 53
Stargazers: Chi Kung/Yoga: Cleansing Litany of the Tribes Volume 4 Pg. SG: 53
Stargazers: Om Stargazers Tribebook Pg. 53
Stargazers: Om Litany of the Tribes Volume 4 Pg. SG: 53
Rite of Abscission Book of the Wyld Pg. 59
Lupus: Rite of Birth Time Ways of the Wolf Pg. 51-52
Lupus: Rite of Birth Time Werewolf Chronicles Volume 2 Pg. WotW: 51-52

^  Level 2

Stargazers: Chi Kung/Yoga: Exercise Stargazers Tribebook Pg. 53
Stargazers: Chi Kung/Yoga: Exercise Litany of the Tribes Volume 4 Pg. SG: 53
Stargazers: Om Habhava Dhi Stargazers Tribebook Pg. 53
Stargazers: Om Habhava Dhi Litany of the Tribes Volume 4 Pg. SG: 53
Black Spiral Dancers: Rite of Arterial Introduction Caerns: Places of Power Pg. 152
Black Spiral Dancers: Rite of Arterial Introduction Rage Across the World Volume 1 Pg. C: POP: 152
Valkenburg: Rite of Initiation Valkenburg Foundation Pg. 26-27
Valkenburg: Rite of Initiation Werewolf Chronicles Volume 1 Pg. VF: 26-27
Red Talons: Rite of Migration Rage Across New York Pg. 51
Red Talons: Rite of Migration Rage Across the World Volume 3 Pg. RANY: 51
Black Furies, Temple of Artemis and Moon-Daughters: Rite of the Oracle Black Furies Tribebook Pg. 42
Black Furies, Temple of Artemis and Moon-Daughters: Rite of the Oracle Litany of the Tribes Volume 1 Pg. BF: 42
Rite of the Peacock Hammer & Klaive Pg. 59
Black Furies: Rite of Teaching Black Furies Tribebook Pg. 42
Black Furies: Rite of Teaching Litany of the Tribes Volume 1 Pg. BF: 42

^  Level 3

Wendigo, Sacred Hoop: Black Blood of Gaia Tribebook: Wendigo Pg. 73-74
Stargazers: Chi Kung/Yoga: Centering Stargazers Tribebook Pg. 53
Stargazers: Chi Kung/Yoga: Centering Litany of the Tribes Volume 4 Pg. SG: 53
Stargazers: Om Chakala Phat Stargazers Tribebook Pg. 53
Stargazers: Om Chakala Phat Litany of the Tribes Volume 4 Pg. SG: 53
Rite of Dreaming Umbra: The Velvet Shadow Pg. 138
Rite of Dreaming Umbra Revised Pg. 135
Rite of Homecoming Umbra: The Velvet Shadow Pg. 138
Rite of Homecoming Umbra Revised Pg. 135

^  Level 4

Stargazers: Chi Kung/Yoga: Meditation Stargazers Tribebook Pg. 53
Stargazers: Chi Kung/Yoga: Meditation Litany of the Tribes Volume 4 Pg. SG: 53
Rite of Phoebe's Stair Umbra Revised Pg. 135
Wendigo: Warpath: Twitch the Idlak Tribebook: Wendigo Pg. 74

^  Level 5

Uktena: Chain the Cataclysm Caerns: Places of Power Pg. 41-42
Uktena: Chain the Cataclysm Rage Across the World Volume 1 Pg. C: POP: 41-42
Stargazers: Chi Kung/Yoga: Restoration Stargazers Tribebook Pg. 53
Stargazers: Chi Kung/Yoga: Restoration Litany of the Tribes Volume 4 Pg. SG: 53
Seventh Generation: Mold Clay Rage Across New York Pg. 76
Seventh Generation: Mold Clay Rage Across the World Volume 3 Pg. RANY: 76
The Rite of Dragon Binding Rage Across Russia Pg. 113
The Rite of Dragon Binding Rage Across the World Volume 1 Pg. RAR: 113
Seventh Generation: Rite of the Pentarch Rage Across New York Pg. 74
Seventh Generation: Rite of the Pentarch Rage Across the World Volume 3 Pg. RANY: 74
Silver Pack: Rite of the Phoenix Werewolf Players Guide Pg. 105-106
Silver Pack: Rite of the Phoenix Werewolf Players Guide Second Edition Pg. 85
Silver Pack: Rite of the Phoenix Players Guide to Garou Pg. 82
The Song of Ages The Silver Record Pg. 123-124

^  Level 6

Rite of Waking the Moon Apocalypse Pg. 148, 151-152
Werewolf: The Apocalypse Rites
Garou and Fera Rites Accord · Age Role · Ahadi · Astrological · Caern · Dark Umbra · Death · Frontier · Hengeyokai · Minor · Mystic · Punishment · Pure Ones · Renown · Seasonal · Wyld
Fifth Edition Garou Rites Common · Legendary · Social
Kinfolk Rites Accord · Caern · Homestead · Milestones · Minor · Punishment · Renown · Ritual of Sacred Rebirth
Unique Fera Rites Ajaba - Ananasi: First · Triumvirate · Viskr - Bastet: Kuasha · Moon · Need · Taghairm - Corax - Gurahl - Kitsune - Mokolé - Nagah - Nuwisha - Ratkin - Rokea
Rites of the Lost Breeds Apis - Camazotz - Grondr
Wyrm-Corrupted Fera Rites Blood Rituals · Defiler Kings · Buzzards · Histpah
Miscellaneous Rites 7th Generation - Fomori - Miscellaneous Rites