Page for all the minor characters mentioned in the World of Darkness.
- Aaron, Tremere neophyte of the Chantry of the Five Boroughs[1]
- Abdullah, 6th Generation Qabilat al-Khayal (Lasombra). Sire of Suleiman ibn Abdullah.[2]
- Adrien, mortal teenager and Zhavon's crush[1]
- Agatha of Maidstone, 6th Generation Tzimisce. Sire of Jack.[3]
- Agoston le Jeune, 6th Generation Tzimisce. Sire of Jehan du Pleaux.[4]
- Ahjan Shakkar, 6th Generation Nosferatu. Childe of Angiwar.[5]
- Ahmed III, Ottoman Sultan and Galeb Bazory's father[6]
- Airbox, New York Anarch; member of Richter's coterie.
- Eberlin Albertzen, eighth generation Brujah and Albertus Magnus's childer[7]
- Alcaraz, Sabbat Lasombra and a member of Cardinal Ambrosio Luis Monçada's elite household legion[8]
- Aleksy, software engineer from Prague; died during failed Embrace by Vera[9]
- Alex, a Kindred of the player coterie, missing during the Conventicle Alchemie.[10]
- Alexander Hildebrant, the late partner of Asano Hiromitsu and grandfather of Günter Hildebrant.
- Alexis Blanc, sire of Balthazar; staked and met Final Death by fire at the hands of her treacherous childe.[11]
- Alvina, mortal teenager and best friend of Zhavon[1]
- Emily Anastas, Toreador and romantic partner of Alan Chang. She hosts after hour decadent parties at the Vaults, in London.[12]
- André, refugee in Athens[13]
- Angela, enforcer under the employ of Elena Giovanni of Venice[14]
- Angelique, Kindred lover of Catherine Montague[12]
- Angelique, mortal teenager and friend of Zhavon[1]
- Angus, the childer of Prince Lawrence Westfield[7]
- Anji, seventh generation Banu Haqim and sire of Archon Hafsa
- Ansleigh, Kindred leader of the Liberty Club in Harvard.[15]
- Antonio de Figio, 6th Generation Baali. Sire of Giotto Verducci.[16]
- Ariadne, sixth generation Gangrel Archon.[17]
- Aristophokles, seventh generation Ventrue. Commanded his Childe Livia da Ravenna to diablerize him and take his place as Prince of Ravenna.[18]
- Astio Giavetti, sixth generation Tremere and sire of Antonio Calbullarshi.[19]
- Ludwig Aufenanger, ninth generation Tremere and childe of the infamous Heinrich Himmler.[20]
- Aurelia, Roman mortal and sister of Arcadius Augustus[12]
- Azif, 5th Generation Assamite Warrior. Sire of Fariq.[21]
- Balesquida, Asturian Cainite who led the Portuguese member of the Apostles of the Third Caine, from Lisbon.[22]
- Adele Baptiste, a victim of Kindred criminal activity in Port-au-Prince.[7]
- Barnabus, 6th Generation Assamite Vizier. Sire of Ahmed ibn Zayyat.[23]
- Jane Barns, ghoul agent of the powerful Nosferatu Richard de Worde[12]
- Basil, Tremere and childe of Madeline Coventry
- Barbara Beaulieu, wife of seven years of Harold Beaulieu
- Belkin, deceased parkourer of Prague[9]
- Rebecca Belmont, ninth generation Malkavian and sire of Eliza Villanova[24]
- Benoa, 6th Generation Assamite Vizier. Sire of Umar al-Rashid.[25]
- Bernard, 6th Generation Toreador. Sire of Chevalier d'Eglantine.[26]
- Bobby Blaine, small-time Brujah crime lord in Los Angeles. Killed by Baron Victor Temple in 2018
- Grandfather Boruta, fine dining chef and restaurant owner in Prague.[9]
- Bourdana, sire of Carna.
- Paulie Boyle, mortal murdered by the Brujah Nino Donelli in 1996[27]
- Bradley, Kindred of the Liberty Club in Harvard[15]
- Connor Buchan, ghoul and occult apprentice of Abraham Mellon. He lacks in academic greatness but serves loyally as a servant.[12]
- Bulvia, 6th Generation Ventrue. Sire of Einhard.[28]
- Caecus, seventh generation Nosferatu and the childe of the powerful Mnemach[29]
- Aloisius Cahill, a black Brujah, lieutenant of Wellesley[30]
- Caius Tadius Lupus, 6th Generation Gangrel. Sire of Aethelwulf.[31]
- Cameron, Kindred of the Liberty Club in Harvard[15]
- Carabao, owner of the Frosted Glass, an upscale art gallery in New York
- Antonius Caracus, Fifth generation Brujah. Sire of Don Caravelli, Prince of Sicily.
- James Carluccio, mortal from Washington, D.C.[7]
- Carol, mortal reporter in Berlin[15]
- Cassady, 6th Generation Brujah. Sire of Perry Commons.[32]
- Mathieu Cassel, Kindred black-market antiquities dealer
- Catherine, secretary of the Ventrue Samuel Armstrong.
- Eve Cavanant, sixth generation Tremere; embraced Luna Demian in 1760[33]
- Alan Chang, Nosferatu and romantic partner of Emily Anastas, with whom he hosts after-hour decadent parties at the Vaults, in London.[12]
- Aimery le Chansonneur, Toreador of the Middle Ages and the impulsive youngest childe of Crepin de Beaumont. He was destroyed during a fight with Cathars.[34]
- Thylane Chapman, a Ministry gold-digger, who spoke about her former Toreador paramour.[35]
- Charlemagne, seventh generation Ventrue and sire of Prince Benedic
- Charles of Poitiers, sixth generation Toreador. Sire of Melusine d'Anjou.[36]
- Chloe, mother of the Sins of the Sires player character: The Caitiff.[13]
- Sarah Chou, agent of the Second Inquisition, taking part in Operation Antigen.[12]
- Father Clarence, seventh generation Malkavian and sire of Willum Timothy
- Clay, musician and Thin-blooded alchemist from Los Angeles. Killed by Baron Victor Temple in 2018
- Des Coates, Parisian expatriate from the domain of François Villon.[37]
- Razi Clark, a Gangrel police officer, who romanced a Tremere[35]
- Clear Bear is a Methuselah, childe of Menele and sire of Yaryan.
- Consuela, New York Anarch; member of Richter's coterie
- Frances Gibson Copplewhite, also known as the Butcher of Leicestershire is a Malkavian serial killer of the Victorian Age era, operating around Leicester.[37]
- Cornelius, 4th Generation Tremere. Sire of Ignatius.[38]
- Costello, Sabbat Lasombra and a lieutenant of Archbishop Francisco Domingo de Polonia; served as a commander in the Siege of Atlanta[8]
- Cristo, the Nosferatu sire of Petrodon
- Paolo da Carrara, a Lasombra businessman, who claims the Lasombra are the best lovers among the Kindred.[35]
- Mr. Dajuste, eleventh generation Hecata of the Samedi bloodline and sire of Bastian Ducasse[39]
- Daphne, Tremere and eldest childe of Prince Annabelle[40]
- Vanessa Reese Davenport, Setite of the Victorian Age[37]
- Michelle Davis, a Malkavian[6]
- Desmond, Sabbat vampire who participated in the Firedance under Hardin[8]
- Dexicos, a vampire ally of the methuselah Zarathustra.[41]
- Dinah, Kindred of Athens and a friend of Persa[13]
- Henri d'Inviliers, French Malkavian of the Victorian era; feeds upon impoverished people in his domain.[37]
- Donal, seventh generation Ventrue and the sire of Reginald Moore
- Nino Donelli, Brujah lieutenant in San Francisco; executed in 1996[27]
- Donelly, Boston police officer[6]
- Count Dravik, 6th Generation Toreador. Sire of Jean-Marc d'Harfleur.[42]
- Drexler, down-on-his-luck Caitiff from the South Bronx
- Nathan Drumond, mortal guest at the Boston Unification Party[6]
- Drutalos, fifth generation Nosferatu and sire and master of Mnemach.[43]
- Ducas, sixth generation Ventrue and childe of Septima Dominica; embraced in 836 CE[44]
- Duan, Boston police officer[6]
- Jennifer Dupree, mortal guest at the Boston Unification Party[6]
- Alicia Durant, a Ventrue lieutenant of Wellesley[30]
- Clément Duval, Haitian reporter[6]
- Dysos, Sixth generation Brujah. Sire of Cocceius.[45]
- Cornelius Eckhart, a European-born Tremere who rose to the head of the New York chantry after the Final Death of Eleanor Van Hasen[46]
- Hilda Edelwood is a sixth or seventh generation Nosferatu and sire of the powerful Richard de Worde
- Eddie, vampire pack mate of Ramona from Los Angeles; killed by a werewolf in Texas[1]
- Effendi, Kindred in Prince Warburton domain during the Victorian Age.[37]
- Elias, soldier of the Entity Special Operations Group[9]
- Elliot Praxton, a Ventrue founder of the Pony Express.
- Elonzo, sixth generation Toreador. Sire of Masdela.[47]
- Endymion, Gangrel ancilla of the Victorian Age[37]
- Enzo, mortal minion of the Hecata Tommaso Giovanni[14]
- Erasmo Casimiro Alonso de Curcio, 6th Generation Lasombra. Sire of Basilio the Elder.[48]
- Esoara, ninth generation Tremere and childe of Curaferrum[49]
- Evette, Minister from New York and subordinate of Simone.
- Line Falk, a Salubri thief, who spoke about romancing a crazy Malkavian.[35]
- Federico, lead enforcer of the Hecata Elena Giovanni[14]
- Ferdinand, eighth generation Brujah and sire of Salvador Garcia; destroyed during the Spanish Civil War[50]
- Vibius Fimbria, Lasombra Bishop of the Cainite Heresy. Resided in Lisbon, where he led the Portuguese Heretics.[51]
- Lord Rupert Forrester, wealthy English noble of the 16th century.[12]
- Fenella Fraiseworthy, in 1888 organized a séance with the London elite and her friend Sri Sansa.[12]
- Freya, thin-blooded neonate and acquaintance of the Anarch Dee[15]
- Friedman, an American political representative in his city[52]
- Frondator, ninth generation Tremere and sire of Arden Canty[53]
- Viviana Fuentes, a Toreador socialite, who had a romance with a Banu Haqim.[35]
- Gabriella, mortal guard of the Ghoul Anna of Venice[14]
- Gabrielle, also known as Loon, was the sister of Gabe Tremblay. She is killed in a Sabbat blood arena.
- Galerius, fifth generation Lasombra and sire of Narses[54]
- Gallo, Tremere of the Hartford Chantry; killed by the Chantry for going rogue[6]
- Gareth, 6th Generation Gangrel. Sire of Tyrus.[55]
- Garlotte, Prince of Baltimore and old acquaintance of Victoria Ash[8]
- Garret, Brujah lover of Daliah
- Gaskins, an American Senator in Matthias Van Dorn's city.[52]
- Geli, mortal of Prague.[9]
- Gemma, mortal woman and possible touchstone of Tommy Smith[12]
- Photine Georgiou, police officer of Athens[13]
- Gerard, ghoul servant of Ottawa[40]
- Giering, Tremere Regent of Cologne and sire of Nanette[7]
- Glassjaw, Nosferatu sire of Brawn
- Gnaeus, 6th Generation Ventrue. Sire of Junius.[56]
- Gomez, Boston police officer[6]
- Father Raul Gonzalez, mortal priest manipulated by the Tremere Arden Canty.[53]
- Gravdal, Kindred of the Boston Camarilla[6]
- Greasy, Sabbat vampire who participated in the Firedance under Hardin[8]
- Gregorio, albino Sabbat Commander in the Siege of Atlanta[8]
- Pacifico Grillati, eighth generation Lasombra and childe of Paliuro Rustucci[57]
- Hallstedt, 5th Generation Tremere. Sire of Patricia Bernstein.[58]
- Jizla Hamadi, Prague firefighter[9]
- Leila Hamidi, Ashirra from Ramallah, presumably of the Lasombra clan[7]
- Imad al Din Abd Haqim, an Assamite field agent in Prince Warburton's domain[37]
- Hauzal, 6th Generation Nosferatu. Sire of Dondinni.[59]
- Hector Aguilera, 6th Generation Lasombra. Sire of Elieser de Polanco.[60]
- Rachel Heffron, Washington, D.C. police officer[7]
- Henri, 6th Generation Ventrue. Sire of Natasio the Galician.[61]
- Mr. Hernandez, puerto rican neighbour of Zhavon and a drunk[1]
- Mrs. Hernandez, puerto rican neighbour of Zhavon and Mr Hernandez' wife[1]
- Herodian, sixth generation Toreador. Sire of Father Samuel.
- Hoël de Nuz, 6th Generation Ventrue. Sire of Jean Ploermel.[62]
- Humo, Sabbat Nosferatu and sire of Cicatriz
- Huntress, a Nosferatu agent working for Richard de Worde[12]
- Ilse Baensch, 6th Generation Brujah. Sire of Stefan Rutigar.[63]
- Imani, a Tremere[6]
- Bogdan Ionescu, a Tzimisce gang boss, who recommended the Nosferatu for good lovers.[35]
- Irendo, a 6th Generation Ravnos. Sire of Izydor Torenu.[64]
- Irma, Zhavon's aunt and Hayesburg resident; killed by a vampire in 1999[1]
- Brother Isidoros, mysterious monk from Mount Athos in Greece.[13]
- Jabar, 6th Generation Bay't Mushakis (Brujah). Sire of Usama ibn Jabar.[65]
- Jack, Jason Moore's bodyguard[6]
- Jackdaw, Prince of Bath; killed by Gwenllian Arwyn[12]
- Jacques, Sabbat vampire from Montreal who participated in the Firedance under Hardin; killed by his superior[8]
- Michele Jacobs, Boston blood vessel[6]
- Jake Sabbat vampire who participated in the Firedance under Hardin[8]
- Frank James, Jason Moore's bodyguard[6]
- Lord James, 6th Generation Ventrue. Sire of Joseph Wellesley.[66]
- Jana, prostitute in modern Prague[9]
- Louis Jankowski, Special Agent of the FBI's Special Affairs Department. Presumed KIA in 2018
- Javeria, Kindred and daughter of detective Ishaq Khan[12]
- Jean-Paul, Toreador of the Stockholm Camarilla[15]
- Jet, member of the Maryle Boys[12]
- Ji-hoon, Minister from New York. Subordinate of Simone
- João, mortal lover of the Nosferatu Bartolomeu Casson[7]
- Johann Kaspar, 6th Generation Tremere. Sire of John Reiss.[67]
- Johannes, ghoul of Signe[15]
- Jonah, former Prince of Ottawa. He was usurped by the Nosferatu Cranston.[40]
- Jonathan, Ghoul bodyguard of the Ventrue Samuel Armstrong.[68]
- José the Owl, a Ravnos car mechanic, who had a romance with a Ministry.[35]
- Josh, Kindred neonate of the Liberty Club in Harvard[15]
- Joshua, Gangrel and former lover of Victoria Ash[8]
- Julius, Roman ghoul of Arcadius Augustus and daytime oversee of Mithraeum's construction[12]
- Klara Jurgensblut, Ventrue of England during the Victorian Age[37]
- Nisha Kapoor, Toreador Ambassador[7]
- Karen, a Kindred and Will's friend[10]
- Katz, Chairman of the V Committee of the Second Inquisition[9]
- Everard Keightley, an influential Ventrue[7]
- Marz Kell, Kindred painter of Prague[9]
- Vernon Kennedy, Boston blood vessel[6]
- Kenny, mortal uncle of the Gangrel Ramona and a real estate agent[1]
- Khadija, Anarch DJ in Stockholm[15]
- The Kid, former Anarch neonate; became a Camarilla Archon but leaked information to the Anarchs.[15]
- Xenie Kocová, art conneisseur from Prague[9]
- Liisa Koski, a Hecata doctor, who spoke about dating a Ventrue.[35]
- Patricia Laine, Boston blood vessel[6]
- Lashkar, Kindred and elder son of detective Ishaq Khan[12]
- Lateland, ninth generation Malkavian and childe of Jason Newberry
- Lena, Anarch who met the legendary Tyler[15]
- Lenore, a Setite who had an opium den in New York in 1890s[69]
- Lewis, Boston police officer[6]
- Marcus Licinius, a sixth generation Lasombra and childe of the powerful Zarathustra
- Livia Antonia, 5th Generation Lasombra. Sire of Foulques.[70]
- Lizzie, Malkavian artist and New York Anarch; member of Richter's coterie
- Locus, seventh generation Tremere and childe of Therimna[71]
- LOBI, Kindred graffiter of Prague[9]
- Lonnie, Sabbat vampire who participated in the Firedance under Hardin[8]
- Roderick Lord, Brujah courtier of Edinburgh[7]
- Sir Lorence, 6th Generation Brujah. Sire of Edward Scott.[72]
- Bethany Lowell, spy for the powerful Nosferatu Richard de Worde[12]
- Luca, mortal from Venice[14]
- Lucius, Sabbat vampire and admirer of the Tzimisce Sascha Vykos[8]
- William Luft, twelfth generation Gangrel and sire of the Archon Fergus Alexander[73]
- Lumley, the former Tremere Prince of Perth; overthrown and destroyed in 1953 by Anarchs[74][75][76]
- Evelyn Luna, mortal wife of Julian Luna; born in 1832; died in childbirth in 1856.[77]
- Lyseros, 7th Generation Ventrue. Childe of Nicepherus.[78]
- MacDorman, Boston police forensics[6]
- Malthias, 6th Generation Ventrue. Sire of Nicholas.[79]
- Joseph Manneh, priest of Society of Leopold[6]
- Mansfield, Boston police officer[6]
- Mara, 6th Generation Gangrel. Sire of Sabela. Destroyed by a band of Assamites.[80]
- Marco, mortal lover of the Nosferatu Bartolomeu Casson[7]
- Marcus the Advocate, Brujah Methuselah of the 5th Generation. Sire of Themistocles[81]
- Mariah Haige, 6th Generation Tremere. Sire of Zachariah Slane. Destroyed.[82]
- Mariennia, 6th Generation Nosferatu. Sire of Federico di Padua.[83]
- Mario, New York Anarch; member of Richter's coterie
- Mark, feeding victim of the Nosferatu Lucianna Ricci[68]
- Marketa, sire of the thin-blooded Maus; destroyed in recent years[9]
- Rose Markowitz, mortal artist from Atlanta[84]
- Masser, 5th Generation Toreador of the Ray'een al-Fen. Sire of Barqat.[85]
- Matheus, mortal lover of the Nosferatu Bartolomeu Casson[7]
- Maximarius, 6th Generation Brujah. Sire of Lilika Kairos.[86]
- Max, and his wife, were feeding victims the Gabe Tremblay
- Mayson, Emem's father[6]
- Diana McKinsley, mortal lover and possible touchstone of the Ventrue Catherine Montague.[12]
- Mesita, 6th Generation Tremere. Sire of Dr. Mortius.[87]
- Metcalf, Kindred of the Boston Camarilla[6]
- Mezekht, 6th Generation Brujah. Sire of Khentik-Kher.[88]
- Mia, enforcer under the employ of Elena Giovanni of Venice[14]
- Michelle, mortal victim of Leopold[84]
- Michel d'Armand/Michaelis d'Harmedon, 6th Generation Toreador. Sire of Esclarmonde the Black.[89]
- Mihrisah, Galeb Bazory's mother[6]
- Mikala, Toreador and sire of Maia[9]
- Merx, Brujah marksman and one of the Lions of Kirill; forced into torpor by Entity hunters.[9]
- June Moore, daughter of Jason and Lydia Moore[6]
- Lydia Moore, mortal architect; Jason Moore's wife and mother of June[6]
- Sehzade Mustafa, Galeb Bazory's brother[6]
- Qusay ibn Namdar, 6th Generation Assamite Warrior. Sire of Habiba.[90]
- Nanette, Tremere and childer of Giering[7]
- Natasha, Kindred of Athens and an acquaintace of Markos Petrou[13]
- Natasia, Brujah sire of Yitzhak ben Abraham[91]
- Nathaniel, 6th Generation Brujah. Baron (Prince) of Carlisle and conspirator against Mithras during the Dark Ages.[92]
- Nebseni, 6th Generation Setite. Childe of Ororiouth. High Priest of the Temple of El Kharga.[93]
- Nicholas, Prince of Kent
- Nick, a Nosferatu and member of Bobby Blaine's coterie. Captured by the Ministry and killed in 2018.
- Nigel, a Ventrue from New York in the employ of James Rafferty
- Niko, refugee boy in Athens[13]
- Octavius, 6th Generation Lasombra. Sire of Victorien Loyola.[94]
- Ask Oddfoot, mortal father of Hrothgar[95]
- Ogilvie, Nosferatu bookie and New York Anarch; member of Baron Torque's coterie
- Oliver, Brujah brute in torpor; former lover of Victoria Ash[8]
- Oliver, 6th Generation Toreador. Sire of Arianne.[96]
- Olwen, Brujah and wife of Consul Arcadius Augustus of Bath[12]
- Ororiouth, 5th Generation Setite childe of Ta-urt. Sire of Nebseni.[93]
- Orthese, Setite who helped rescue Victoria Ash from the Sabbat in Atlanta[8]
- Pablo Ortiz, Lasombra Paladin of the Sabbat during the Victorian Age[37]
- Panicucci, Kindred of the Boston Camarilla[6]
- Philippe Parreno, influential Toreador from Genève[7]
- Karen Parsons, Boston doctor[6]
- Pascoe, 6th Generation Toreador. Sire of Lianna.
- Sulim Pashkin, Banu Haqim Archon who investigated the Abrek free state[7]
- Pasiphae, mortal Queen. She was mother of Minotaur and wife to Minos.
- Graziella Patane, Giovanni of the Victorian Age[37]
- Kevin Paul, mortal guest at the Boston Unification Party[6]
- Rudolph Paulsen, tenth generation Toreador and sire of Horace Holden[97]
- Paulson, Boston police captain[6]
- Jan Pavlovsky, young billionaire from Prague[9]
- Pearl, American Toreador and Herald of Munich
- Pelagon, 5th Generation Assamite. Sire of Hilel al-Masaari.[98]
- Pelayo, Brujah of unknown generation since his Childe committed Diablerie. Sire of Felipe.[25]
- Percivax, seventh generation Tremere and sire of Curaferrum[49]
- Corey Perkins, Boston blood vessel[6]
- Mr. Pfenning, wealthy man of Victorian Age-London; father of Annabelle and Charles[37]
- Mrs. Pfenning, wife of Charles Pfenning[37]
- Philbret, agent of the Second Inquisition[6]
- Terence Philby, a Ventrue courtier, who spoke about his former Caitiff lover.[35]
- Phoenix, Boston police forensics[6]
- Piotr, mortal minion of Agata Starek[15]
- Porphyrion, 5th Generation Setite. Sire of Sundervere.[99]
- Andrea Pocklington, mortal from Washington, D.C.[7]
- Alonzo de Portola, eighth generation Tremere who sought to usurp Prince Sebastian Juan Dominguez.
- Annie Pruitt, mortal guest at the Boston Unification Party[6]
- Antoine Purrel, old man and mortal descendant of Prince Davis Purrel; presumably killed by the Sabbat in 1999[8]
- Nasr Ramanathan, eighth generation Toreador and sire of Qadir al-Asmai
- Ragnar, 6th Generation Ventrue. Sire of Wolfram von Strolberg.[100]
- Reggie, delinquent from New York City who tried to rape Zhavon; killed by the Gangrel Ramona[1]
- Reginald of Durham, 5th Generation Tremere. Sire of Leland of Durham.[101]
- Reno is the Kindred Sheriff of Houston[102]
- Ivy Reo, Malkavian oracle[7]
- Rex, dog of the Gangrel Ramona[1]
- Felix Ritter, Tremere Prince of Munich; killed by the Second Inquisition in 2007
- Roberto, enforcer under the employ of Elena Giovanni of Venice[14]
- Byron Rocha, Kindred priest of the Church of Caine[103]
- Roderick, 6th Generation German Lasombra. Sire of Ashiqa bint Jifri.[104]
- Gerhard Röhrich, Nosferatu Sheriff of Munich
- Rojo, Sabbat vampire who participated in the Firedance under Hardin[8]
- Rolph, Nosferatu spy watching over the events of the Firedance[8]
- Romana Theja, 6th Generation Toreador. Sire of Nikolai von Tresckow.[105]
- Rosenkrantz the Elder, 6th Generation Ventrue. Contender for the title of Prince of Bergen during the Dark Ages.[106]
- Rover, dog of the Gangrel Ramona[1]
- Georgia Rowlands, seventh generation Ventrue and sire of Upton Rowlands[107]
- Chimene Sahraoul, a Banu Haqim diplomat, who spoke about a former Hecata lover.[35]
- Sarah the Chaste, ninth generation Lasombra and childe of Magnus; embraced in 402 CE
- The Salamander, tenth generation ancillae of the Kindred-Kine Collective from Marseille[7]
- Samal, fifth generation Brujah Methuselah from ancient Carthage and sire of Dominic
- William Samuels, Wellesley's ghoul in charge of the USA immigration[108]
- Sarah, Toreador neonate from Atlanta[84]
- Sebastião, mortal lover of the Nosferatu Bartolomeu Casson[7]
- Selim, fifteen-year old refugee and ghoul of Amphitryon.[13]
- Serenity, an unsophisticated Malkavian, who dated a Tzimisce once.[35]
- Servant, ghoul working as a spy for the Nosferatu elder Richard de Worde.[12]
- Severus, 5th Generation Ventrue. Sire of the Justicar Lucinde.
- Shallam, 6th Generation Bashirite Ravnos. Sire of Es'Kut the Silent.[109]
- Shavrael, 5th Generation Tremere. Sire of Mistress Fanchon.[110]
- Shinji, mortal father of Sierra Van Burrace[111]
- Shutatara, sixth generation Baali and childe of Tanit; escaped her sire to Cyprus
- Piotr Sielanovitch, Brujah revolutionary of the Victorian era.[37]
- Sigfried, 6th Generation Brujah. Sire of Andrei. Destroyed by Baba Yaga.[112]
- Signe, Sabbat member in Stockholm[15]
- Simon, Tremere and priest of the Church of Caine; destroyed[53]
- Simon Augustyn, 6th Generation Tremere. Sire of Peter Dorfman.[113]
- Singh, a thin-blooded vampire who infiltrated the Second Inquisition[7]
- Jimmy "Sleeves" Sleven, a patient in Guy's Hospital and possible touchstone for Henry Banerjee.[12]
- Slobodan, powerful thin-blooded of Athens[13]
- Sloto, mortal of Prague[9]
- Sofia, homeless mortal who was saved by the legendary Tyler[15]
- Sophie, Kindred of the Liberty Club in Harvard and a member of the Camarilla.[15]
- Emile Sorcha, Malkavian who owns the Project Daedalus venue in London, as well as several hidden areas with dangerous and illegal challenges more suited to Kindred customers.[12]
- Sprenger, a Sabbat local leader in Salem who was presumably diablerised by Madeline Coventry
- St. Nicholas, a Thin-blood, who engaged with a Salubri lover.[35]
- Vinzenz von Stalburg, an ambitious Ventrue minion of the methuselah Inanna, in the 1160s.
- Steve, Ghoul bodyguard of the Ventrue Samuel Armstrong.[68]
- Stewart, Kindred of the Liberty Club in Harvard[15]
- Quintus Sturbridge, Tremere Regent Quintus of the Chantry of the Five Boroughs[1]
- Szymon, mortal minion of Agata Starek[15]
- Tarek, Anarch of Prague[9]
- Tariq, 6th Generation Assamite. Sire of Gabriel Chavez.[114]
- Teri, eighth Generation Toreador. Childe of Sophia Ayes, destroyed.[115][116]
- Taurus, sixth generation Malkavian and sire of Roque.[117]
- Theophilis, 6th Generation Cappadocian. Sire of Marcus.[26]
- Thomas, ghoul of the powerful Brujah Thelonious[84]
- Thomson, Boston police officer[6]
- Thorhalla, 6th Generation Gangrel. Sire of Hakkon.[118]
- Tom, mortal gangster[15]
- Torondo, ghoul of Henry Banerjee, making his home in the old Guy's Hospital in London.[12]
- Celine Townsend, British mortal descendant of Queen Anne Bowesley[12]
- Trevor, tough Brujah from Atlanta[84]
- Trobury, minor English lord during the Victorian Age.
- Jack Turpin, ghoul of Christopher Houghton
- Ungol, sixth generation Cappadocian and sire of Kazimierz the Silent.[119]
- Tennant Usher, eighth generation Ventrue and childe of Prince Abram of Canberra.
- Lynn Vance, a Tremere of Hartford Chantry, who specializes in high-level protection rituals.[6]
- Vanislav, 9th Generation Ravnos childe of Vassily Tantos.[120]
- Vasilli "The Penitent Dog", 6th Generation Nosferatu. Sire of Malachite.[121]
- Vera, thin-blooded agent of Omnis of Prague[9]
- Elian Veum, mortal guest at the Boston Unification Party[6]
- Vidor, 6th Generation Tzimisce. Sire of Darvag Grozny.[122]
- Villanueva, Kindred of the Boston Camarilla[6]
- Vincent, French Toreador in Amsterdam during the Victorian Age.
- Violeta, Anarch and The Kid's mentor[15]
- Jess "Grunt" Walker, a Caitiff thug, who spoke about her romance with a Gangrel.[35]
- Richard Walton, Boston blood vessel[6]
- Warburton, Prince during the Victorian Age[37]
- Weasel, a Nosferatu courier, who had a romance with a Brujah.[35]
- Celia Wentworth, a fake medium who presided over a séance in 1888 with the London elite.[12]
- Lawrence Westfield, Camarilla Prince and sire of Angus[7]
- William Thorbecke, 5th Generation Tremere. Sire of Lille Haake.[123]
- Will, Kindred of the Liberty Club in Harvard[15]
- Will, Tremere childe of Sheila and Karen's friend.[10]
- Willys, Boston police officer[6]
- Tim Wilson, Special Agent of the FBI's Special Affairs Department. Presumed KIA in 2018
- Ms. Windham, mortal secretary of the Giovanni Benito[84]
- Tian Wu, Jason Moore's bodyguard[6]
- Wyatt[6]
- Ryosuke Yanazaki, a Toreador who believed in the existence of Antediluvians and was considered a charlatan as a result.[124]
- Yaroslav, a 10th-generation Tzimisce in Victorian Age New York City[108]
- ' Yavok', 4th Generation Salubri. Sire of Javaniel.[125]
- Yoav, 6th Generation Bay't Mushakis (Brujah). Sire of Gerusiah bint Yoav.[65]
- Yvette, mortal from Marseille and the Salamander's victim.[7]
- Z, Nosferatu Blood Leech living in the London Underground[12]
- Bai Zhang, a Tremere researcher, who spoke about sharing blood with a Ravnos lover.[35]
- Eleanor Zheng, Nosferatu Archon[7]
- Zitkála-Šá, eleventh generation Toreador and sire of Journey Atkins[6]
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 VTM: Clan Novel 3: Gangrel
- ↑ VTDA: Veil of Night, p. 100
- ↑ VTM: D.C. by Night, p. 89
- ↑ DAV: France by Night, p. 228
- ↑ VTM: Encyclopaedia Vampirica, p. 75
- ↑ 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 6.22 6.23 6.24 6.25 6.26 6.27 6.28 6.29 6.30 6.31 6.32 6.33 6.34 6.35 6.36 6.37 6.38 6.39 6.40 6.41 6.42 Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong
- ↑ 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 7.21 7.22 7.23 VTM: Camarilla
- ↑ 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 VTM: Clan Novel: Tzimisce
- ↑ 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17 VTM: Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 VTM: Blood Sigils
- ↑ VTM: Chicago by Night, p. 68
- ↑ 12.00 12.01 12.02 12.03 12.04 12.05 12.06 12.07 12.08 12.09 12.10 12.11 12.12 12.13 12.14 12.15 12.16 12.17 12.18 12.19 12.20 12.21 12.22 12.23 12.24 12.25 VTM: Fall of London
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 VTM: Vampire: The Masquerade - Sins of the Sires
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 VTM: Justice
- ↑ 15.00 15.01 15.02 15.03 15.04 15.05 15.06 15.07 15.08 15.09 15.10 15.11 15.12 15.13 15.14 15.15 15.16 15.17 15.18 15.19 VTM: Anarch (book)
- ↑ DAV: Fountains of Bright Crimson, p. 30
- ↑ VTM: Guide to the Camarilla, p. 82
- ↑ VTM: Dark Ages Europe, p. 119
- ↑ VTM: New Orleans By Night, p. 69-70
- ↑ VTM: Berlin by Night, p. 59-60
- ↑ VTDA: Transylvania by Night, p. 57, 58
- ↑ VTDA: Iberia by Night, p. 90
- ↑ DAV: Dark Ages Europe, p. 188
- ↑ VTM: Mexico City by Night
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 VTDA: Iberia by Night, p. 100
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 VTM: Transylvania Chronicles III: Ill Omens, p. 89
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 Kindred: The Embraced
- ↑ VTM: Reichsgold: Aachen bei Nacht, p. 88
- ↑ DAV: Dark Ages Clan Novel: Brujah
- ↑ 30.0 30.1 VTM: The Ventrue Chronicle, p. 77
- ↑ DAV: Players Guide to Low Clans, p. 206
- ↑ CTD: Immortal Eyes: The Toybox, p. 131
- ↑ VTM: San Francisco by Night, p. 110
- ↑ DAV: Right of Princes, p. 5-11
- ↑ 35.00 35.01 35.02 35.03 35.04 35.05 35.06 35.07 35.08 35.09 35.10 35.11 35.12 35.13 35.14 VTM: Blood-Stained Love
- ↑ DA: Dark Ages Europe, p. 29
- ↑ 37.00 37.01 37.02 37.03 37.04 37.05 37.06 37.07 37.08 37.09 37.10 37.11 37.12 37.13 VAV: Victorian Age: Vampire Rulebook
- ↑ WTO: Necropolis: Atlanta, p. 123
- ↑ VTM: Trails of Ash and Bone
- ↑ 40.0 40.1 40.2 VTM: Vampire: The Masquerade - Parliament of Knives
- ↑ VTM: Clan Lasombra Trilogy 2: Shadows
- ↑ VTM: Transylvania Chronicles II: Son of the Dragon, p. 95
- ↑ DAV: France by Night, p. 208
- ↑ VTDA: Constantinople by Night
- ↑ VTM: Encyclopaedia Vampirica, p. 66
- ↑ VTM: The Ventrue Chronicle, p. 83
- ↑ VTM: Bloody Hearts: Diablerie Britain, p. 14
- ↑ VTM: Transylvania by Night, p. 75
- ↑ 49.0 49.1 VTDA: House of Tremere
- ↑ VTM: Los Angeles By Night, p. 65
- ↑ VTDA: Iberia by Night, p. 89
- ↑ 52.0 52.1 VTM: Clanbook: Ventrue Revised
- ↑ 53.0 53.1 53.2 VTM: The Chicago Folios
- ↑ VTDA: Bitter Crusade
- ↑ VTM: Chicago by Night Second Edition, p. 88
- ↑ VTDA: Veil of Night, p. 103
- ↑ VTDA: Jerusalem by Night
- ↑ VTM: Die Stadt, Das Blut, Der Tod: Frankfurt bei Nacht, p. 85-88
- ↑ VTM: Children of the Night, p. 101
- ↑ VTDA: Iberia by Night, p. 116
- ↑ VTDA: Iberia by Night, p. 127-128
- ↑ DAV: France by Night, p. 235
- ↑ VTM: Berlin by Night, p. 46
- ↑ VTM: Jerusalem By Night, p. 95
- ↑ 65.0 65.1 VTDA: Veil of Night, p. 96
- ↑ DAV: The Ventrue Chronicle, p. 88
- ↑ VTM: Dark Colony, p. 58
- ↑ 68.0 68.1 68.2 VTM: Vampire: The Masquerade - CHAPTERS
- ↑ VTM: The Ventrue Chronicle, p. 68
- ↑ DAV: France by Night, p. 201
- ↑ VTDA: House of Tremere, p. 90
- ↑ VTM: Milwaukee by Night, p. 30-31
- ↑ VTM: Chaining the Beast, p. 116-117, 119
- ↑ WTA: Rage Across Australia, p. 101
- ↑ WOD: A World of Darkness: Second Edition, p. 148-150
- ↑ VTM: Anarchs Unbound, p. 84-87
- ↑ VTM: Kindred: The Embraced
- ↑ VTDA: Constantinople by Night, p. 28
- ↑ VTM: Clash of Wills, p. 35
- ↑ VTDA: Iberia by Night, p. 104-105
- ↑ VTM: The Red Sign, p. 102
- ↑ VTM: Dark Colony, p. 112
- ↑ *VTM: Archons & Templars, p. 9, 17, 34, 84, 92
- DAV: Transylvania Chronicles II: Son of the Dragon, p. 93-94
- VTM: Children of the Night, p. 53-54
- ↑ 84.0 84.1 84.2 84.3 84.4 84.5 VTM: Clan Novel: Tremere
- ↑ VTM: Veil of Night, p. 208
- ↑ VTM: Transylvania Chronicles II: Son of the Dragon, p. 89
- ↑ VTM: Milwaukee by Night, p. 52-53
- ↑ VTM: The Ashen Knight, p. 84
- ↑ DAV: Dark Ages Europe, p. 54
- ↑ VTDA: Jerusalem by Night, p. 64-65
- ↑ DAV: Dark Ages Europe, p. 140-141
- ↑ VTM: Dark Ages Europe, p. 10
- ↑ 93.0 93.1 VTM: Nights of Prophecy, p. 26
- ↑ DAV: France by Night, p. 204
- ↑ VTDA: Wolves of the Sea
- ↑ VTM: Transylvania by Night, p. 96
- ↑ London by Night, p. 97-98
- ↑ VTDA: Veil of Night, p. 92
- ↑ VTM: Clanbook: Setites Revised, p. 100
- ↑ VTM: Reichsgold: Aachen bei Nacht, p. 87
- ↑ DAV: Ventrue Chronicles, p. 51
- ↑ VTM: Gehenna: The Final Night
- ↑ VTM: The Crimson Gutter
- ↑ V20DA: Dark Ages: Darkening Sky, p. 96
- ↑ VTM: Reichsgold: Aachen bei Nacht, p. 84
- ↑ DA: Dark Ages Europe, p. 144
- ↑ VTM: Dark Colony, p. 59
- ↑ 108.0 108.1 VTM: The Ventrue Chronicle, p. 75
- ↑ DAV: Veil of Night, p. 207
- ↑ VTM: Transylvania Chronicles II: Son of the Dragon, p. 97
- ↑ VTM: Chicago by Night 5th Edition
- ↑ VTM: Chicago By Night Second Edition, p. 76
- ↑ VTM: D.C. by Night, p. 71
- ↑ VTM: Jerusalem by Night, p. 63
- ↑ VTM: Chicago by Night, p. 104
- ↑ VTM: Chicago by Night Second Edition, p. 116
- ↑ VTDA: Iberia by Night
- ↑ VTM: Jerusalem by Night, p. 79
- ↑ VTDA: Transylvania by Night, p. 67
- ↑ VTDA: Transylvania by Night, p. 95
- ↑ VTDA: Constantinople by Night, p. 100-101
- ↑ VTDA: Transylvania by Night, p. 121
- ↑ VTM: Children of the Night, p. 67
- ↑ VTM: Gehenna War
- ↑ VTM: Transylvania Chronicles II: Son of the Dragon, p. 85