Mind's Eye Theatre Journal 4 is a Mind's Eye Theatre periodical.
From the Back Cover:
Because the Mind's Eye Never Blinks
Welcome to the Mind's Eye Theatre Journal,
The magazine that picks up where other Mind's Eye publications leave off.
This issue presents:
- The secrets of the wraiths of the Jade Empire.
- The conclusion of the Mayday! Chronicle.
- Live-Action Mage rules... sort of.
- World of Darkness fiction.
- Topical issues on live-action roleplaying and more.
The Journal provides everything you need to make your Mind's Eye Theatre chronicles more diverse, complex and complete!
What Do You Want To See?
Welcome to the Mind' Eye Theatre Journal[]
From Yours Truly.
Deadguy Speaks[]
By Richard E. Dansky. A Great Onus is Placed Upon Thee.
The Current Thinking[]
Newbie Boot Camp[]
By James Stewart. How to Survive Your First LARP.
Inside the Closet: Fashion Tips for the Bloodlorn[]
From Auntie Csilla.
Pronouncements from On High[]
By the Mind's Eye Theatre developer. White Wolf Continuity and You.
A Place for Everything[]
By Peter Woodworth. MET Fiction.
Laws of Ascension[]
By Jess Heinig. Live-Action Mages.
The Dark Kingdom of Jade[]
By Bruce Baugh.
Mayday! Part Three: Invasion[]
By Lindsay Woodcock. An Oblivion Adventure in Three Parts.
It's the End of the World! What do I do next?[]
By Richard E. Dansky. Running Oblivion in the Wake of Ends of Empire.
A New Breed of Hunters[]
By Ken Cliffe. Hunter: The Reckoning meets Mind's Eye Theatre.
Event Horizon[]
If you've been taking notes, you'll notice that the format of this feature is a little different. I've decided to remove the frequency listings for each of these LARP listings as the vagaries of a six-month development-to-publication cycle tend to play havoc with scheduling concerns. Everything else is pretty much the same, so help yourself to the info herein. If you'd like to see your LARP listed here (or the info I've got here on your LARP is incorrect or out of date), drop me an e-mail with the information I'm looking for.
A New Character Sheet for Laws of the Night[]
The 1999 Jul-Dec Catalog has a different text entry for the Journal:
The World of Darkness Evolves
The Black Hand crumbles. The Final Nights approach. The Gurahl awaken and Doissetep falls. The world is on a high-speed collision course to The End, and you don't wanna get run over.
Don't Be Left Behind
The Mind's Eye Theatre Journal is a quarterly trade-sized release that showcases new rules, updates and changes in the World of darkness for live-action games. Material never before unearthed is presented in official form, and frequently asked questions are answered. Plus, fiction and articles cover live-action conventions, game development and the history and future of the live-action community.
- Cyrus Frost - Sluagh
- Jesselayth - Satyr
- Michael - Eshu
- Kenny - Pooka
- Jacque - Redcap
- Peep - Sluagh
- Emory Dodge - Pooka
- Kincaid - Nocker
- The Baroness, Lady Rhiannon - Boggan
- Prince Marcel - Vampire
Previous book: cMET: Laws of the Night Revised Edition |
Game books Classic Mind's Eye Theatre books |
Next book: cMET: Laws of the East |