White Wolf Wiki

Military Police Extraterritorial Operations, or PMEX, is a primarily Brazilian org set up by the Coalition in response to the larger rural population size of Brazil compared to the other founding nations of the Five Torches.


Shortly after the BOES joined the burgeoning Second Inquisition, the Vatican requested that its members do something to account for the ability of Brazilian blankbodies to flee into neighboring South American nations and the unprotected countryside: The BOES are unmatched among the Coalition in matters of urban warfare, but are woefully inexperienced to deal with wide open spaces as seen in the vast majority of their home country. As such, with the help of the IAO's bottomless well of funding, the low-commitment PMEX program was born.


The core of PMEX is a cadre of special operators that specialize in quickly training up under-equipped local forces into serviceable vampire hunters. Legally restricted from working inside Brazil, PMEX depends on Vatican command and control to direct its operations, which have expanded to include any operational area that has seen a sharp rise in blankbody activity without a local Second Inquisition response. While it avoids active combat zones and countries deemed within the sphere of influence of the US or Russia, PMEX now operates worldwide and targets border areas, international seam zones, and other places that the less organizationally flexible remainder of the Coalition cannot quickly mobilize in.

Their Liaison Officers teach traditional methods of vampire hunting to militias and insurgents that often have lost family and friends to blankbodies terrorizing their communities. PMEX’s “Machete Men” train them in the basics of staking and decapitation, and the construction of anti-vampire countermeasures to secure their forward positions at night. These countermeasures often consist of incendiary landmines or pitfalls filled with spools of razorwire. Unlike most of the modern Second Inquisition, PMEX often finds itself at a tactical disadvantage when facing hostile blankbodies and their success depends on the clever use of native forces and exploiting the mystical and psychological weaknesses of their foes.

PMEX operators are not indifferent or ignorant to the nature of the forces that they train and advise. Terrorists, insurgents, militias, war criminals, human traffickers and child soldiers are all fair students to the “Machete Men” if they mean to hunt vampires. While this has caused friction with both FIRSTLIGHT and the GRU, so far their funding and support has never been interrupted. PMEX refuses to be drawn into political or moral arguments about which groups they train, and the Vatican sees their notable preference for training so-called Christian militias a positive feature. In PMEX’s estimation they are simply making the best of a bad situation and using the soldiers available to them in those places abandoned by the rest of the world. It’s not their job to end human suffering or keep the peace. They destroy vampires.


Witch-hunter orgs
Coalition orgs USA: FIRSTLIGHT/SAD/IAO · Brazil: BOES/PMEX · Russia: GRU-N58/Akritai/Unit 242 · UK: Newburgh Group/JTRG/SO13 · Vatican: La Entità/Society of St. Leopold · Bureau IX · Calcédoine · G-Kontoret · HSP · TID · Unit 8211
Academic orgs Arcanum
Corporate orgs Chopra-wafadar · Fada · Monster-X · Neo Albion · Orpheus Group · Re:Venge · Strike Force Zero
Government orgs DAAE · Division Six · GSG 10 · Manila DoJ-SRP · Project Twilight
Religious orgs Ikhwan al-Safa · The Judges · Nails of Christ · Order of the Rose · Society of St. George
Vigilante orgs Cog Conspiracy · D-Club · Duffy Family · ECLIPSE · Mortician's Army · Toussaint Brigade
