Mike Tinney is currently the president of White Wolf Publishing.
Mike's other official contributions for White Wolf include the following:
Concept & Design[]
Concepts & Visual Contributor[]
- 1999/March: Trinity: Trinity Rulebook (softcover)
- 1997/November 10: Trinity: Trinity Rulebook
- 1997/October: Trinity: Trinity Rulebook (limited)
- 2006/April 17: MTAw: Tome of the Watchtowers (People Eating Snakes)
Concept and Design[]
- 2005/March 14: WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook
- 2004/August 21: CofD: World of Darkness: Storytelling System Rulebook
- 2004/June: Aberrant: Aberrant d20
- 1999/July: Aberrant: Aberrant Rulebook
- 1999/July: Aberrant: Aberrant Rulebook (limited)
- 2011/October 11: WW: White Wolf Blogcast 81: Twenty Years of Vampire, part 2
- 2011/October 4: WW: White Wolf Blogcast 80: Twenty Years of Vampire, part 1
- 2011/October 21: VTM: Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition (Gangrel model)
- 2011/September 16: VTM: Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition (Grand Masquerade) : (Gangrel model)
- 1999/March: Trinity: Trinity Rulebook (softcover) (of "Jailhouse Rock")
- 1997/November 10: Trinity: Trinity Rulebook (of "Jailhouse Rock")
- 1997/October: Trinity: Trinity Rulebook (limited) (of "Jailhouse Rock")
- 1994/August 15 WTO: Wraith: The Oblivion Rulebook
Special Thanks[]
- 2004/June 21: Exalted: Savant & Sorcerer Mike “FETAL PIG” Tinney, for his calm reaction to the dead animal housing crisis.
- 2002/September: HTR: Fall From Grace : White Wolf Hockey Special Thanks: Mike “Posthumous” Tinney (#11, Goal), for entering the Hall of Fame.
- 2002/September: HTR: Hunter: Utopia : White Wolf Hockey Special Thanks: Mike “I Can Play Hung Over” Tinney (#11, Goal), for testing the powers of the Hockey and Booze Gods.
- 2002/July: HTR: The Moonstruck : White Wolf Hockey Special Thanks: Mike “Number Retired” Tinney (#11, Goal), during the hockey off-season, and then some.
- 2002/April: HTR: The Nocturnal : White Wolf Hockey Special Thanks: Mike “Fred Is Doing Fine” Tinney (#11, Goal), for getting to the “early” game within minutes.
- 2002/March: HTR: First Contact : White Wolf Hockey Special Thanks: Mike “Every time I think I’m out...” Tinney (#11, Goal), for resuming his old post between the posts.
- 2001/September 4: HTR: Hunter: Holy War : White Wolf Hockey Special Thanks: Mike “Two-Way” Tinney (#11, Goal), for becoming the Jack of all Positions.
- 2001/June 11: VTM: Midnight Siege : Mike “Sissy” Tinney, for becoming defensive once the explosives threatened his security deposit.
- 2001/May 28: HTR: Hunter Book: Hermit : White Wolf Hockey Special Thanks: Mike “Pop my Cork” Tinney (#11, Goal), for knowing how to celebrate a championship season in style.
- 2001/January 22: HTR: Hunter Book: Visionary : White Wolf Hockey Special Thanks: Mike “I Love You Guys” Tinney (#11, Goal), for losing his source of anger before every game.
- 2000/December 11: HTR: Hunter Book: Redeemer : White Wolf Hockey Special Thanks: Mike “Uh, Hockey?” Tinney (#11, Goal), for joining the summer season at the halfway mark.
- 2000/November: HTR: Hunter Book: Martyr : White Wolf Hockey Special Thanks: Mike “Corporate Endorsement” Tinney (#11, Goal), for conning the Powers That Be into funding the summer 2000 season.
- 2000/August 7: WTA: A World of Rage : Mike “Weeping All the Way Home” Tinney, for superior sportsmanship.
- 2000/June 26: MTAs: Dead Magic : Mike “Monkey Fingerprints” Tinney, for letting everyone touch his Klaive.
- 2000/June: HTR: Hunter Book: Judge : White Wolf Hockey Special Thanks: Mike “Knee Braces” Tinney (#11, Goal), for learning that you can just leave your equipment at the arena… in the grass… all week.
- 2000/May: HTR: Hunter Book: Innocent : White Wolf Hockey Special Thanks: Mike “Pipes” Tinney (#11, Goal). Pads: $1500. Stick: $500. Having knees like kindling: Priceless.
- 2000/February: WTA: Subsidiaries: A Guide to Pentex : Mike “Vagner” Tinney, for discovering “the only roleplaying you’ll ever need” – and in some cases, being right about that.
- 1999/September: WTA: Ratkin : Mike “Dying Breed” Tinney, for finding a place that still does karaoke.
- 1998/September: WTA: Wendigo Tribebook : Mike “Release the Hounds” Tinney, for scoring the first official Digimon kill.
- 1998/May: WTA: Uktena Tribebook : Mike “Oh Godm It’s” Tinney, for making folks nervous by his very presence.
- 1998/May: VTM: Giovanni Chronicles III: The Sun Has Set Mike “Knee Capper” Tinney, for being living proof that you will get hurt.
- 1998/April: WTWW: Ghost Towns : Mike “Don’t Make Me Go Home” Tinney, for staying in it for the long haul.
- 1998/February: WTA: Corax : Mike “Gorkamorka” Tinney, for blowing up the General Lee to save Hazzard County.
- 1998/January: MTAs: Technomancer's Toybox Mike “Vault Keeper” Tinney, for snagging us a really cool Dragon(Con) lair.
- 1997: CTD: The Enchanted Mike “I’m very fast” Tinney, for all those successes.
- 1997/December: WTA: Stargazers Tribebook : Mike “Jedah” Tinney, for his oh-so-scary contract wranglin’. And purple juice.
- 1997/November: WTA: Kinfolk: Unsung Heroes : Mike “Bee Pooka” Tinney, for bagging that sweet, sweet arcade-size honey.
- 1997/September: WTO: Guildbook: Pardoners and Puppeteers : Mike “Kneecapitated” Tinney, for finding yet another White Wolf sport to injure himself in.
- 1997/September: WOD: World of Darkness: Sorcerer : Mike “Wounded Knee” Tinney, for bringing in the Gimp (again).
- 1997/March: MTAs: Euthanatos Tradition Book Mike “All Clear” Tinney, for avoiding being this move's blood sacrifice.
- 1997/February-March: WTA: Nuwisha : Mike “Zug Zug” Tinney, for going home just long enough to shower and change between Warcraft II campaigns.
- 1997/February: MTAs: Dreamspeakers Tradition Book Paul “Tongue Tied” Lepree, Chris “Star Child” McDonough, Mike “Spaced Ace” Tinney and Greg “Cat's Cradle” Fountain, for kissing up to that good ol' American cheese.
- 1996/July: Rage CCG: With Fang and Claw: The Rage Strategy Guide : Mike “Whoah” Tinney, for seeing with Mystick sight.
- 1996/May: WTA/Rage CCG: Rage: Warriors of the Apocalypse : Mike “Field Trip” Tinney, for taking everybody out into the woods to accumulate chigger bites.
- 1996/March: MTAs: Cult of Ecstasy Tradition Book Mike “God Damn Us Every One” Tinney, for his crippled Christmas spirit.
- 1995/December: MTAs: Technocracy: N.W.O. Mike “Drunken Rage” Tinney, for his cross-country bar binge.
- 1995/July: VTM: The Inquisition : Mike “Crash Master” Tinney, for his expert skill at invitations.
- 1995/June 28: VTM: Giovanni Chronicles I: The Last Supper : Mike “Get Down Here” Tinney, for luring away the competition.
- 1995/May: WTA: Glass Walkers Tribebook : Mike “Thumbilina” Tinney for being a girly man who can’t life a desk.
- 1995/April: cMET: Antagonists : Mike “Capt’n” Tinney, for boldly Raging where no one has Raged before.
- 1994/November: WTA: Children of Gaia Tribebook : Mike “Backed up” Tinney for mopping up in the girl’s room.
- 1994/August: WTO: Wraith Storytellers Kit : Mike “Uncle Nasty” Tinney, for showing us the finer points of etiquette.
- 1994/July 8: VTM/WTA/MTAs: The Chaos Factor : Mike “Multi-Task” Tinney, for biting it all off and chewing vigorously. Oh, well, someone has to drink all that coffee...
- 1994/May 27: WTA: Monkeywrench! Pentex : Mike “Yo Joe!’ Tinney for missing his buddy with the kung fu chop action.
- 1993/November: MTAs: Digital Web : Mike “Nixon!” Tinney, for his attack-trained Chuckasaurus Rex.