White Wolf Wiki

The Moscow Hollow Chantry is the center of Hollow One involvement in Russia.


The internet has opened many doors. Even in countries with restricted access, such as China, the youth and rebels, and certainly the Orphans, have discovered a way to "get out." In Moscow, the discovery of Gothic websites has inspired a movement. A small chantry has developed in the blue-collar district of the city and the Hollow Ones there take the stereotypes to the extreme, tending to resemble vampire wannabes as much as anything else. Their hearts are in the right place, though. In recent years they have become more bold and confident in incorporating their own culture into the creation of a Russian Goth style. Their chantry consists of a network of apartments across the city. Mika's apartment, Mika being the leader of the cabal and the one with the largest living space, serves as headquarters.

Coming from a history of subjugation and persecution, Orphans in Russia are not likely to be flamboyant in their ways. The maintain an underground system of gatherings and communications that cloaks them with secrecy. Signals, knocks, and code words are used to recognize each other and they are much less likely to have mentors than even the Hollow Ones of other countries. Information spreads via the word of mouth in the quiet corners of forgotten parks.


  1. MTAs. Tradition Book: Hollow Ones. pp. 42-43.