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Midnight Siege is a sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade Revised Edition about the sect war between the Camarilla and the Sabbat during the modern nights.


From the White Wolf catalog:

Domains Topple and Vitae Flows Freely
For half a millennium, the Kindred of the Camarilla have warred with the Cainites of the Sabbat. In the modern nights, though, the sect war can no longer be hidden behind the armies of kings or the fires of the Inquisition. How then do the sects resolve their conflicts without alerting the oblivious eyes of the kine?
Midnight Siege includes:


Prelude: Requiem for the Monster[]


Introduction: Troubled Times[]


Chapter One: The Ivory Tower[]

Discusses the political, social and military strategies commonly employed by the Kindred of the Camarilla. Centuries-long machinations, ancestral vendettas, the deployment of fortunes and schemes that involve the welfare of nations all play a part in the Camarilla's collective arsenal. How does a prince maintain her power while under the gun from both the Sabbat and the Inner circle? How does a domain of decadent, backstabbing undead find common cause when harried by fanatical, fire-wielding crusaders? This chapter tells these secrets and more.

  • Tremere Ritual
    • Ritual of Demesne - Level 6 Thaumaturgical Ritual

Chapter Two: The Sword of Caine[]

Turns our attention to the Camarilla's rivals and counterparts, the vampires of the Sabbat. The Sabbat spreads through Cainite society like a cancer; and, like a cancer, it can lie dormant and waiting, slowly corrode away the surrounding body, or spontaneously burst into crippling malignancy.

Chapter Three: Strange Bedfellows[]

Covers the unique roles played by a myriad of strange nocturnal denizens. The role of the anarchs, the scrutiny of the enigmatic Inconnu, and even the turmoil caused by the entry of a werewolf or sorcerer on the great playing field: All this can e found herein.

Chapter Four: Storytelling the Tides of Conflict[]

Intended primarily for the Storyteller, though players will unquestionably find some choice tidbits and wicked machinations for their arsenals as well. It provides insight on how to use a Cainite siege as the backdrop for passion. character development/degeneration and (in)human drama, not merely an excuse for random death-in-the-streets rapscallionry.

Appendix: The War Chest[]

Provides timetables and "project management" plans along which a Kindred siege might flow. While there is nothing typical about any conflict in which the freakish Kindred participate, certain moves and gambits tend to repeat themselves down the weary years. This chapter details, in broad and sweeping strokes, how a region inhabited by one great sect or the other might conduct itself during the onslaught of a sectarian siege.

  • Character Templates
    • Camarilla Templates
      • Tribune - Stats
      • Sergeant-at-Arms - Stats
      • War Councilor - Stats
      • Vizier - Stats
      • Lord of the Clutch - Stats
      • Spin-Doctor - Stats
      • Socialite - Stats
    • Sabbat Templates
      • War Hero - Stats
      • Field Marshal - Stats
      • Witch - Stats
      • Shovelhead - Stats
      • Freebooter - Stats

Background Information[]

  • Inside of the credits page is this note: "Karate Death! The guy who owned the house we were supposed to get but didn't winterize, thereby forcing some of us to have a view of Route 12 instead of the Atlantic Ocean."

Memorable Quotes[]



  • Vykos
  • Archbishop Ambrosio Luis Moncada
  • Lucita
  • Mitru
  • Arnulf
  • Boukephos
  • Nova Arpad
  • Lord Jurgen von Verden
  • Anatole
  • Gorchist
  • Basque Rufus in the Pyrenees
  • Ludo Giovanni
  • Frederick van Tongeren - Ventrue Strategist in London
  • Raphael de Corazon
  • Virginie
  • Prince Decker
  • Sir George Hammond - Tremere Pontifex of London
  • Smiling Jack
  • Jeremy MacNeil
  • Lyder Krohn - Malkavian from Bergen
  • Goratrix
  • Valerius Maior
  • Karsh
  • Dr. Douglas Netchurch
  • Thaddeus Carter, a Ventrue analyst who researches Sabbat movements for the Camarilla.
  • Archon Delaurent - Camarilla Vampire, Malkavian
  • Dieter - Malkavian
  • Tessa - Malkavian
  • Tony - Ludo's Contact, Vampire from Newark
  • Natasha Dubois - Toreador from Atlanta, GA
  • Dr. Julius Sutphen
  • Bruce Pittman - Brujah Ancilla from Olympia, WA
  • Marcel - The Crew Member, Vampire, Unknown Clan
  • Nikki - Brujah from the West Coast
  • Danny O' Brien - Former Bishop of Boston, Sabbat, Destroyed
  • Wiggens - Sabbat Vampire
  • Annie Kimble - Vampire
  • Lucy - Lasombra
  • Kenny - Sabbat Vampire
  • Greg - Sabbat Vampire, Black Hand
  • Sprigs - Human, arrested
  • Dee - Sabbat Vampire
  • Frank - Human, arrested
  • Gwen Moss - Camarilla Vampire
  • Winston - Vampire?
  • T. - Vampire?
  • C. - Vampire
  • Joseph "Reek" Cruz - Pander
  • Tooth - Nosferatu Antitribu, Infernalist
  • The Organist - Tzimisce, came up with the Corpse Balloons, met Final Death from a Mage
  • Jack Robat - Mage ally of the Camarilla
  • Giangaleazzo
  • Nat Grayson - Tremere assassin-for-hire


Anarch, Arcanum, Assamites, Autarkis, The Blood Orphans (Sabbat Pack), Caitiff, Camarilla, Cathayan, Chantry of the Five Boroughs, Corpse Balloons (Flesh-crafted Ghouls), The Crew (Network of Neonates & Ancillae from Boston), The Doomsday Book, Dux Bellorum, Faeries, Followers of Set, Ghosts, Giovanni, Goldentongue (Sabbat nom de plume, legend), Hounds, Inconnu, Knave Columns, Lupine, Mage, On the Waging of Jyhad (Treatise by Ludo Giovanni), Ravnos, Sabbat, SchreckNET, Shapeshifters, Shovelhead, Textbook Damnation (Print-out Grimoire of Dark Thaumaturgy), Thin-Blooded, Tribune, Unbound,

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