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White Wolf Wiki

Michael Sandler, ("The Sandman"), is a Void Engineer Mage and crewmember of the Anastasia X156-B58.


Mike was a young Net-junkie well before it was fashionable. He cruised it like a pro by the time he made it to high school and soon attracted a lot of attention for his interest and abilities. By the time he moved on to college, a fascinated Void Engineer recruiter cut in on the several Virtual Adepts, who were cruising him and pulled him into an apprenticeship in the R&E division (though the Sandman prefers to refer to his area as "Research and Engineering" rather than "Research and Execution").

Despite his youth, the Sandman has become a respected scientist. This status lets him get away with a bit of eccentric behavior - like his nickname. An electrical engineer of some note, he produces some of the best scanners in the business, and specializes in VR external interfaces and combinations of Iteration X components and Void Engineer tecknology. He's dabbled in just about everything, knows just about everyone, and has an amazing knack for coming out on top. His ability to extract funding from the Syndicate is legendary.

Sandman met Captain Bassette during a nasty fight in his Null-B lab. The two did not, at first, get along at all. When he requested a transfer off-station, Emmett Morrison (in another bid to irritate Bassette) commissioned him to take over as the Anastasia's chief technician instead. The older Engineer figured that close proximity would drive Bassette and Sandman to distraction. Insteasd, they became close friends. If the Captain were to fall, most crewmen would look to Sandman to take her place. In the meantime, he operates the Prime Absorption Devices and maintains the weaponry and power drives.

The Sandman keeps two private laboratory spaces: a large lab in Null-B's "gray building" and a smaller shop on board ship. Both places are organized chaos, full of electrical parts, computer cards and materials for homebrewing parts and chips. Sandman still cruises the Net, and even has covert contacts among the Virtual Adepts and Sons of Ether. In fact, he belongs to the Antithesis conspiracy that periodically leaks information from the NWO and Syndicate to the Conventions. Not even Captain Bassette knows the Sandman's secret.


Roughly 5'8", Sandman is in his mid-20s. His short black hair lays perfectly smooth and never seems to move; he wears glasses and often sports a well-trimmed goatee. Depending on who you ask, Sandman is either "solidly built" or "damned overweight" His most distinguishing feature, however, is his easy-going manner and eternal, friendly smile.

Character Sheet[]

Nature: Architect
Demeanor: Bon Vivant
Essence: Dynamic
Methodology: Research and Execution
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2, Charisma 3, Manipulation 5, Appearance 2, Perception 2, Intelligence 5, Wits 3
Abilities: Acting 3, Alertness 2, Empathy 1, Etiquette 5, Firearms 2, Heavy Weapons 2, Technology 4, Computers 5, Cosmology 3, Electronics 5, Occult 2, Science 4
Backgrounds: Allies 5, Avatar 1, Dream 3, Talisman 4 (gun & gadgets)
Arete: 4
Spheres: Correspondence 2, Dimensional Science 3, Forces 3
Willpower: 6
Quintessence: 2
Paradox: 2

