White Wolf Wiki

Michael George is a Lupus Galliard Wendigo Caern Warder of the Sept of the Painted Sands.[1]


Michael George came to the Change late in life, and he still thinks of himself as a man who can become a wolf (rather than a Garou). Michael served in Vietnam, earning several medals for valor (his superiors were amazed that he never won the Purple Heart). On returning to the reservation, Michael began to apply the tricks he had learned in the jungles to the desert. He trained a little in karate, and later was accepted by a Master of Kailindo, the Garou martial art. Michael has offered to teach the others of the sept in this art, but only Janice and Ann Susan have taken up his offer.

While most septs have a Fang (Ahroun) for their defense, Michael George is instead a Moon-Dancer and is renowned for his cunning. He prefers to guard the sept by stealth and misdirection, instead of direct force. As a young soldier in Vietnam, he learned tricks of guerrilla warfare, and his keen mind converted them to the arid gullies and hills of his homeland. Michael has established a number of bases in the reservation where the Garou can observe, harass or hide from the Wyrm and the white man. The trails leading up to the Mesa del Lobo are all trapped with rock slides and deadfalls, which can be triggered by Michael or Red Stone Water. Michael also set up a number of codes with the Kinfolk at the bottom of the mesa, which can signal the approach of friends or enemies. When fighting, Michael is a master of dirty tricks.


Michael appears as a well-weathered Navajo, the sort that tourists want to photograph. In Lupus form, he is a large brown and gray wolf with a perpetual grin.


Position: Caern Warder
Breed: Lupus
Auspice: Galliard
Tribe: Wendigo
Nature/Demeanor: Survivor/Gallant
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Charisma 5, Manipulation 5, Appearance 2, Perception 2, Intelligence 5, Wits 4
Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 1, Brawl 3, Dodge 4, Empathy 3, Expression 5, Intimidation 3, Primal-Urge 3, Subterfuge 1, Swimming 1, Animal Ken 2, Melee 1, Leadership 4, Performance 5, Stealth 3, Survival 3, Area Knowledge (Bawn) 3, Demolitions 2, Kailindo 3, Enigmas 4, Investigation 2, Meditation 2, Occult 4, Rituals 4
Backgrounds: Kinfolk 1
Gifts: Beast Speech, Call of the Wyld, Call the Breeze, Camouflage, Heightened Senses, Eye of the Eagle, Sense the Unnatural, Speak with the Wind Spirits, Detect Spirit, Call the Cannibal Spirit
Rank: 4
Rites: Rite of the Questing Stone, Rite of Ostracism, The Badger's Burrow
Fetishes: Tooth of the Wolf, Fang Dagger, Klaive
Rage 4, Gnosis 6, Willpower 5

