White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Michael Faraday is an Archmage of Forces, though he is referred as High Scientist of Forces. He was arguably the strongest Archmage of Forces the Technocracy has ever known.


Other than his real-life history, not much known about him. He is the one who altered electricity into electromagnetic force and created and then added the weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force to it. His fate is unknown but presumably died to defeat Czar Vargo.[1] Most likely thanks to Paradox backlash.

Inner Council Rec 00038344[]

Summary file

Michael Faraday,

Electrodyne Engineer

A hero and true patriot of the Technocracy, Michael Faraday advanced our goal of developing a universe understandable to the Masses by approximately 73 years. Arguably the most powerful High Scientist of Forces our order has ever known, Mr. Faraday defined the nature of electricity and magnetism, showing them to be aspects of the same force. His experiments and work on electricity altered that force universally into the electromagnetic force, later adding the weak nuclear force — advancing our theoretical model of nuclear decay. His sacrifices in defeating Czar Vargo in 1914 are forgotten due to our work eliminating that event from history. His final achievement may have been the creation of the strong nuclear force, although this is assumed to be beyond the capability of any person. Our best theory still does not account for it, except possibly as a modification of the gravitational or electroweak force. His disappearance after the Czar Vargo debacle was a blow to the Technocracy, but his spirit of loyalty lives on in all of us.[1]

