White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki
Metal Church

The Metal Church is a chain of Nightclubs based in San Francisco that started in 1992 as a Gothic Venue. It became a popular place for Blood Dolls and others of similar persuasions.


The first few were actually built in old Catholic churches, although most of the newer ones have been built specifically to be clubs, and all of them have bulletproof “stained glass” windows.


Each club follows a specific pattern:

  • The main floor is a dance floor with a stage where the pulpit would normally be and a bar along the two other sides of the room. All sorts of bands have performed on this level, although they tend not to be at the extreme edge of hardcore.
  • The basement is always devoted to hardcore, punk, ‘real' rap and other styles along those lines.
  • In the upper floors, there is always a room with a view of the main dance floor. This room is highly soundproofed and large enough to host a good sized party. It is the private domain of Kindred in all cases, and is referred to as ‘Mount Olympus.’ This is always declared as neutral ground, and this rule is enforced heavily.
  • Other attractions in the club always include a five-star restaurant and topless or nude dancers of either sex, as well as a quiet lounge of various sorts. These are always separate from the dance areas. Some of the clubs also have extensive gambling arrangements.
  • Any attached buildings are usually turned into hotels. Some are also used as brothels.
  • About one-fourth of the bouncers at any given location are trained in anti-Kindred tactics and weapons. All of these are ghouls. They are also well-trained enough to avoid giving away the Masquerade.
  • Each Metal Church is named after a demon from the Catholic records. For example, the Metal Church of Glasyabolas was the first in Portland Oregon. The Metal Church of Ashtoreth in San Francisco serves as the headquarters for the head of the Metal Churches chain.
  • No one is really certain about who owns the Metal Churches, but most Kindred are convinced a Cainite is behind the idea.

