Mesmerism is a class of Transmutations. The character can use his own Disquieting aura to affect the minds of others, from entrancing them like a cobra to creating a false identity in someone. It is used by those who follow or once followed the Aurum or Cobalus Refinements.
Transmutation Abilities[]
2nd Edition[]
The Alembic of Fear is about making the target more susceptible to fear and anxiety, sapping them of will and confidence.
- Rattle: Makes the subject nervous, causing them to go to extreme lengths to rid themselves of the Promethean.
- Terrify: A sudden and severe adjustment of the humour inflicts the subject with unreasoning terror, causing the subject to flee.
- Swoon: An intense, physical pain hits the target, immobilising them at worst and putting a strain on their sanity at best.
By stroking the Sanguine Humour, this Alembic can be a very useful social lubricant.
- Lure: A small change in humour makes the subject more amiable.
- Seduce: Causes intense infatuation in the subject.
- Inflame: Turns the subject into a devoted thrall, willing to do whatever the Promethean wants. However, they are now dangerously obsessive.
This Alembic causes great confusion and disfocus within the subject, leaving them slow and clumsy.
- Misdirect: Causes the subject to loose track of what they were doing.
- Baffle: A general state of confusion falls over the subject, leaving them unable to focus or act.
- Fog: Leaves the subject completely lost in a mental fog, eroding their memory of the same scene.
Possibly the cruelest of the Mesmerism Alembics, Penthos causes the subject to become withdrawn and pessimistic.
- Undermine: Causes the subject's confidence to lower and doubt themself.
- Defeat: The target's melancholy leaves them feeling defeated.
- Depress: The subject is emotionally shattered and falls into a deep depression.
1st Edition[]
Promethean: The Created Rulebook[]
Fixed Stare - The Promethean makes a victim immobile and unaware of their surroundings for as long as they look the victim in the eyes.
Flight Instinct - An animal is affected by Disquiet to the point of fleeing.
Firebringer - By invoking the awe all humans once held for the Divine Fire, the Promethean improves the opinion of those she speaks with.
Suggestion - The Promethean whispers an instruction to a target that the target must obey.
Atavistic Instincts - This is similar to Flight Instinct, except now affects humans, vampires, and so on.
In Vino Veritas - This causes a truth-drug effect in a target.
Logos - A Promethean can speak and understand the universal language.
Waters of Lethe - The memories of a target can be erased.
Imaginal Friend - The Promethean implants their own consciousness into an object, temporarily turning it into a sentient being.
Pygmalion's Caress - A target can have their personality temporarily replaced with a false one.
Strange Alchemies[]
- PTC: Promethean: The Created Rulebook, p. 134-139
- PTC: Strange Alchemies, p. 66-67
- PTC: Lexicon from Web spoiler, May 30, 2006
- PTC: Promethean Demo, August 3, 2006
- PTC: Promethean: The Created Second Edition, p. 147-150
Promethean: The Created Transmutation Classes | |
Simple |
Corporeum • Consortium • Deception • Disquietism • Electrification • Mesmerism • Metamorphosis • Saturninus • Sensorium • Vitality • Vulcanus |
Rare |
Alchemicus • Benefice • Contamination • Luciferus • Spiritus |
Other |
Flux • Irradiation • Pandoran |