White Wolf Wiki

The Menagerie Dome is a Fae realm ruled wondrous and terrible beasts, be they manticores, patchwork dragons, or cockatrices.


This realm is an enormous dome of ivory and jade, within which lie decorative sculptures and walls. The meadows of the Dome are interspersed with pavilions in which the Dome’s inhabitants live.

Surprisingly, the Menagerie Dome is not known for producing changelings of the Beastly variety. Rather, the majority of the Others’ servants are Draconic Fairest. They tend to the needs of their masters, who care little for squabbling among themselves, preferring to remain within their own domains. Muses make up most of the other changelings in the Dome, being pulled into exotic, twisted configurations for their masters’ pleasure.

The True Fae of the Dome are disinclined to prevent their servants’ escape. Rather, they richly reward those who capture escapees, ensuring that the changelings police their own.

