White Wolf Wiki

Melbourne is the second-most populous city in Australia, the capital of the state of Victoria, and from 1901-1927 capital of the country as well. For more about the real-world city, see: Melbourne.


  • Elwood, neighbourhood in the outskirts

Vampire: The Masquerade[]

Melbourne was founded in secret in 1835 by mortal John Batman, without permission from the government in Sydney. To Sydney's Camarilla Prince Abram, this smacked of the involvement of his comrade-turned-rival Red Meg, and in 1839 he relocated to Melbourne and declared himself prince of both cities. Red Meg used the turmoil of Australia's Gold Rush to incite a rebellion in 1854, and while this failed to oust Abram directly, it caused his rule to become increasingly autocratic, culminating in a bid to declare himself Prince of all Australia. He was driven from power in 1879, and the Toreador Montague Lytton took over as Melbourne's Prince.[1]

Red Meg continued scheming against Lytton, and Embraced the crime boss Leslie "Squizzy" Taylor in 1927, hoping to use him as a catspaw against the prince. Taylor, however, diablerized Red Meg almost immediately, and began building a power base among Melbourne's Kindred on his own. In 1983, at the height of seasonal brushfires, when even the daytime sky was black with smoke, Taylor ventured out around noon and diablerized Lytton in his haven. Taylor then took his place as Prince, earning the enmity of Prince Miranda of Adelaide, who was Lytton's childe, and further dividing Australia's Camarilla.[2]

When House Genji targeted Australia during the Great Leap Outward, Prince Taylor reached a tenuous truce with Archbishop Camille of Brisbane and the independent Prince Sarrasine of Sydney against the gaki. The truce was disrupted by Seok Kwan Sook, an ambassador from the Green Courts of Korea, who offered to aid Taylor against the Japanese invaders in exchange for control of Brisbane.[3]

Taylor tolerates no Anarchs in Melbourne, and the majority of Brujah in the city are loyal to him alone (or so he thinks). He also drove out most of the Toreador, who sought refuge in Adelaide. His rule is supposed by two rival primogen, Ventrue Thornton Adams and Tremere Charles Cipher, the latter of whom is also regent of Melbourne's chantry. Victoria Grant, a Ventrue neonate, regularly tests the limits of the Masquerade; she has continued to work as a news anchor since her Embrace.[4]

Werewolf: The Apocalypse[]

Melbourne is part of the Gippsland Protectorate and home to the Sept of the Mother and the Sacred King. The sept's caern, found in Melbourne's Central Business District, takes its name from two statues found in adjacent public parks: one of Artemis in Fitzroy Gardens and one of John F. Kennedy in the Treasury Gardens. The parks are home to many brushtail possums, and the caern's totem, Moodai, is represented by an albino possum.[5]

The Glass Walkers discovered the City Parent of Melbourne in the late 20th Century.[6] Several influential Glass Walkers make the city their home.[7]

Changeling: The Dreaming[]

Melbourne is home to the Duchy of Gold, one of four duchies of Western fae in the Land of the Wandering Dream.[8]


  • Vampires
    • Leslie "Squizzy" Taylor
    • Larson Moore - Brujah
    • Sebastian Wilde - Setite, Sydney ambassador
    • Conrad Shreck - Brujah Idealist
    • Fenris - Brujah Iconoclast
    • Antonio Romano - Brujah Iconoclast
    • Lady Eliza Worthington - Gangrel Primogen of Melbourne
    • Joining Crow - Gangrel Anarch
    • Matthew "Bluey" Cousins - Malkavian Primogen of Melbourne
    • Simone Alvarde -Nosferatu Leader
    • Kerry Simpson - Nosferatu Anarch
    • Michelle Morgan - Nosferatu
    • Tien Hsu, "Mehitabel" - Toreador
    • Maria Diamente - Toreador Poseur
    • Professor Cipher - Tremere Primogen of Melbourne
    • Natasha - Tremere
    • Seth - Tremere
    • Thorton Adams - Ventrue Primogen of Melbourne
    • Victoria Grant - Ventrue
    • Melissa Redman - Ventrue, Victoria's Sire
    • Naomi McKellar - Ventrue Antitribu
    • Ki, Radu and Colin - Caitiff, The Tomb Boys
  • Werewolves

