From the back cover:
The Tome of the Beast...
In every dark wood. In every dank cave. In every mountain aerie. In every watery realm, there can be found...the Beast! Fabulous or mundane, Beasts of all varieties lurk in the shadow of everyday medieval life. Many fear, some respect, and even fewer ever know the Beast, but no one knows its divine purpose. From the dumb mutt on the street to the fierce drake in the mountain, the Beast is always a creature of mystery.
The Medieval Bestiary
This resource supplement for Ars Magica (but useful for any Fantasy system) describes beasts of both legend and the mundane world. Over 100 are described in detail, providing you with a comprehensive catalog of the mundane world and mystical creatures of the time. These creatures are described just as they would be in a real "Medieval Bestiary." Each beast is also accompanied by a complete story concept, making each more significant and real than just a "Monster."
Chapter One: Introduction[]
Chapter Two: The Complete Beast[]
Chapter Three: Bestiae[]
Bestiae Magnae (Greater Beasts)[]
- Antelopus, the antelope
- Aper Verres, the wild pig, or boar
- Cervus, the stag
- Elephantus, the elephant
- Equus, the horse
- Leo, the lion, King of All Beasts
- Leopardus, the leopard
- Lupus, the wolf
- Panthera, the panther, or pard
- Tarandrus, the elk
- Tigris, the tiger
- Ursus, the bear
Bestiae Minuta (Lesser Beasts)[]
- Bos, the ox
- Camelus, the camel
- Canis, the Hound
- Castor, the beaver
- Ericus, the hedgehog
- Feles, the cat
- Formica, the ant
- Hyaena, the hyena
- Ibex, the wild goat
- Lutra, the otter
- Lynx, the lynx
- Meles, the badger
- Mus, the mouse
- Mustela, the weasel
- Onager, the wild ass
- Ovis, the sheep
- Simia, the ape
- Talpa, the mole
- Vulpes, the fox
Bestiae Fabulae[]
- Bonacon, the bonnacon
- Catoblepas, the swamp cattle
- Eale, the yale
- Equus Zephrus, the wind foal
- Unicornis, the unicorn
Chapter Four: Semibestiae (Half-Beasts)[]
- Centaurus, the centaur
- Chimaera
- Grypis, the gryphon
- Harpyiade, the harpy
- Jezenky, the eater of children
- Lamia, the lamia
- Leucrotus, the leucrota
- Manticorus, the manticore
- Mirmicoleon, the ant-lion
- Sphinx, the sphinx
Chapter Five: Mutofigura (Shapechangers)[]
- Aethalwulf, the Guardian (Magical Curses: Bear.)
- The Iron Hound of Normandy (Diabolic Pact: Dog)
- Maelgwyn, a "typical" Werewolf (The "Gift" of Shapeshifting: Werewolf)
- House Bjornaer "Heart-Beasts" (Magi)
- Witch Cats
- Catherine, the Knight's Friend (Horse)
Shapeshifter Characters:
- Ulftheow Berhedhnar (Bear Berserker Shapeshifter)
- Hrodny Odhinsdottir (Wolf, Falcon and Dog Shapeshifter)
Chapter Six: Serpenae (serpents)[]
Serpenae Magnae (Greater Serpents)[]
- The Great Wyrm of the Pyrenees
- Hydra, the hydra
- Well Serpent
- Infernal Serpents
Serpenae Minuta (Lesser Serpents)[]
- Amphisbaena, the two-headed snake
- Aspis, the asp
- Basiliscus, the basilisk, King of Serpents
- Cerastes, the horned snake
- Dispa, the unequaled snake
- Hydrus, the water serpent
- Iaculus, the javelin snake
- Salamandra, the salamander
- Scytalus, the scytale
- Sepus, the dwarf snake
- Syrenus, the flying serpent
Chapter Seven: Aves (Birds)[]
Aves Magnae (Greater Birds)[]
- Accipiter, the hawk
- Aquila, the eagle
- Ciconia, the stork
- Olor, the swan
- Pavo, the peacock
- Ulula, the owl
- Vultur, the vulture
Aves Minuta (Lesser Birds)[]
- Alauda, the lark
- Alcyon, the halcyon
- Corvus, the raven
- Coturnix, the quail
- Epopus, the hoopoe
- Gallus, the cock
- Lucina, the nightingale; Hirundo, the swallow; and Pluvia, the plover
- Pica, the magpie
- Turtur, the turtle-dove
Aves Mirae (Extraordinary Birds)[]
- Apis, the bee
- Vespertilio, the bat
Aves Fabulae (Fabulous Birds)[]
- Caladrii, birds of mystical healing
- Condor Magnitudinis Terribilis, the roc
- Didus Ineptus, the dodo
- Phoenix, the phoenix
Chapter Eight: Pisces (fish)[]
Pisces Magnae (Greater Sea Beasts)[]
- Balaena, the whale
- Crocodilus, the crocodile
- Delphinus, the dolphin
- Gladius, the sword-fish
Pisces Minuta (Lesser Sea Beasts)[]
- Anguilla, the eel
- Echeneis, the remora
- Lupis, the pike
- Mullus, the mullet
- Serra, the flying saw-fish
- Torpedo, the electric ray
Pisces Fabulae (Fabulous Sea Beasts)[]
- Aspidocheleon, the asp-turtle
- Hippocampus, the sea-horse
- Leviathan
Chapter Nine: Familiarae (familiars)[]
- Merinita's Familiar (Stag; Merinita: Bonisagus female Mage)
Chapter Ten: Animatate (Animates)[]
- The Brazen Head
- The Mandragora
- Living Animates: Yeiva's Golem
- Homunculus
- Physiologus
- Historia Naturalis (Natural History) by Pliny the Elder
- T.H. White's Book of Beasts
- The Medieval Bestiary by Xenia Muratova
- Historia Animalium by Aristotle
- The Dragon by Francis Huxley
- Dragons by Peter Hogarth
- The Hill of the Dragon by Paul Newman
- Dragons and Dragon Lore by Ernest Ingersoll
- The Magic Zoo by Peter Costello
- Beasts and Bawdy by Anne Clark
- The Unicorn by Nancy Hathaway
- The Book of Gryphons by Joe Nigg
- Animals with Human Faces, A Guide to Animal Symbolism by Beryl Rowland
- Werewolves, Shapeshifters, and Skinwalkers by Marika Kriss
- A Lycanthropy Reader, Werewolves in Western Culture, edited by Charlotte F. Otten
- The Norsemen by H.A. Guerber
Background Information[]
White Wolf would revisit this book concept with The Bygone Bestiary for the World of Darkness in 1998.
Memorable Quotes[]
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