White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Real-life Events[]

Classic World of Darkness Events[]

  • 2001
    • Mortal scientists discover a distinctly red object in the solar system, near Neptune, which they dub 2001 KX76.[1]

Classic World of Darkness Events[]

  • 1453
    • A partial lunar eclipse sends the defenders of Constantinople into a panic, for it had been prophecied that the city would only fall during a waxing moon. [2]

Trinity Universe Events[]

  • 2006
    • The Ethiopian government announces completion of the terraforming project. The Ethiopian Highlands, formerly an arid, flat desert plain, is now a verdant grassland. The Ethiopian government gives Project Utopia a large headquarters in Addis Ababa in gratitude. Ethiopia soon becomes Africa's breadbasket.[3][4][5]
    • A Mr. Nakamura sends a request to ViaSoft. Nakamura would like to purchase ViaSoft's Shadow Tracker RM technology.[6]
    • The Jefferson City Times-Dispatch reports on yesterday's trial involving Church of Astaroth member "Brother Elias."[7]
  • 2116
    • A graduation commencement address is given by General van der Kuijp at the Canberra Third Legion Training Camp. The subject is Legions legal support.[8]


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