Maureen O'Leary was a Malkavian of 7th generation and a Primogen of her clan in Chicago.
Everything about Boston in the early 1800s terrified Maureen as she grew up in the shadow of its colonial monuments. The looming buildings peered down on her as she walked, the streets talked about her as she passed and the strangers, oh the strangers, were all vile devils seeking to rip her soul from her body. Even her rich family despised her and shut her away in terrifying mental institutions created for the sole purpose of tormenting her. Only death offered her a way out, and she first tried to kill herself when she was twenty-seven.
Thirteen years and fifteen attempts later, she believed she had finally succeeded. It had required a leap from the steeple of the old North Church, and as she collided with the earth, she could feel the cursed life fleeing from her broken shell. She actually sensed "Death" approaching, and in those moments she thought more clearly than she had before. There was a sharp pain in her neck, and then, blessed peace. Oblivion welcomed her.
Sometime later, she woke in pain, searing pain. As she screamed, she heard cruel laughter fading into the surrounding darkness. She was found moments later by the rector, who summoned help. A carriage rushed Maureen to a hospital; the doctors were amazed to find her still alive, and were mystified by their inability to find her heartbeat. Ever so slowly, she began to feel the thirst growing within her. When an old nurse bent over to check her pulse, Maureen sank her teeth into the matron's neck and drank. Within seconds, she felt her body growing stronger and the paralysis leaving her legs. Realizing freedom was at hand, she got out of bed and ran off into the night.
Maureen's constant hunger (see the notes) and a feud with Lasker (her sire), forced her to leave her home in Boston. She has lived in Chicago longer than any other Malkavian, and has long seen herself as the matriarch of an extended family. She is still suicidal, however; indeed, with the aid of several other Malkavians who all died in the flames, she set a fire in 1871 that she hoped would kill her.
Ironically, her then haven, the infamous O'Leary House, was one of the few buildings left standing in Chicago. While only a few mortals died, the fire wiped out most of the vampiric power structure and gave Lodin his chance to seize power from Maxwell. Lodin used to joke about how much he owed Maureen and he always treated her with an exaggerated respect, going so far as to call her "my Queen."
O'Leary was killed by Jason Newberry, in an attempt to consume her soul, but he failed to do so and his sire met Final Death.[1]
CbN 1st & 2nd Edition[]
Notes: Maureen is still crippled in her natural state, and needs to expend three additional Blood Points every day just to heal herself so she can walk. Needless to say, she is constantly hunting.
Image: A sweet little old lady. Often, a sweet little old lady in a wheelchair. She looks 20 years older than her actual age at the time of her Embrace.
Roleplaying Hints: You make a definite effort to appear sane. When you begin a conversation with someone, you are clear, smart, and witty. As the conversation continues, however, your Derangements begin to surface. You begin looking over your shoulder and making paranoid statements. Your speech becomes slurred and even your intelligible sentences are made up of vague generalities. At this point, if the other conversationalists make no effort to end the discussion, you abruptly stop and wheel yourself away.
Haven: The Rehabilitation Institute.
Secrets: A
Influence: Her Herd is made up of mental patients who have been locked away to be "healed" of their drug use. Her control over the health care community is pervasive, which is perhaps one of the reasons it is so troubled in this part of the state.
- VTM: Chicago by Night, p. 88-90
- VTM: Chicago by Night Second Edition, p. 92-93
- ↑ VTM: Chicago by Night 5th Edition, p. 139