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White Wolf Wiki

Mary Hatter was a homid Black Furies Philodox who lived in the 19th century United States.


Mary is the only surviving daughter of Ezekiel Hatter, the man who founded Hatter's Well. After most of her family was slaughtered by outlaws, she became the ward of a gunslinger who is now the sheriff of Hatter's Well.

Upon her First Change, a fellow Black Fury, Helen, approached Mary and told her that she is a descendant of a proud and ancient line of Garou. Helen has been teaching Mary about Black Fury culture and the powers she can wield.


  • Image: Mary is a tall, shapely and graceful young woman who carries herself with inborn dignity - the fact that she is of a pure breed shows in both her human and wolf forms. She has chestnut brown hair, dark green eyes and fair skin. She favors dresses that are light in color, and frequently tries to keep up with fashion. Mary's wolf form is sleek and its coat as black as night.
  • Roleplaying Hints: You know you are a woman of great allure, but you also know you must remain faithful to your Mormon beliefs; you must keep all men at bay until you find the one who God has ordained will be your husband. You abruptly and rudely turn down any advances on the part of men, the vigor of your rejections only slightly less severe than what either of your guardians visit upon the man who can't take no for an answer.
  • You also are keenly interested in limiting the damage miners do to the landscape around Hatter's Well. You've loved its rugged beauty your whole life. Helen tells you that the love of nature is in your blood. Were it up to you, the miners would all be driven from the region and the land would be restored to what it looked like when while you were growing up.
  • You have adjusted to the truth about your heritage - that you are a member of a grand and ancient race that is a breed apart from the rest of humanity. However, you are still uncertain if everything Helen teaches is right and proper. Some of the rites she has shown you bring to mind the kind of pagan acts the Bible warns against. You are currently trying to decide if Helen is both helping and hurting you...helping your body while corrupting your soul to the point where you won't ascend to be with God when you die.
  • Destiny: After Helen is killed, in part due to inaction on Mary's part. Mary continues struggling with her doubts over whether Helen was corrupting her or not. The young Garou devotes her life to battling the Storm Eater whole-heartedly, while working toward pulling the various tribes of Garou closer together. Mary fears that her own distrust of Helen might be a common thing among Garou, and feels that they need to pull together. She dies of old age in 1937, after helping Helen Virtis' granddaughter come of age and master her Garou birthright.
  • Physical: Strength 2 (4/6/5/3), Dexterity 2 (2/3/4/4), Stamina 2 (3/0/4/4)
  • Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 2 (1/0/0/0), Appearance 4 (1/0/2/2)
  • Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
  • Talents: Athletics 1, Dodge 2, Empathy 3, Expression 1,
  • Skills: Animal Ken 1, Crafts: Sewing 3, Firearms 1, Performance (Singing) 2, Ride 1
  • Knowledges: Culture (Mormonism) 2, Medicine 2, Politics 1
  • Backgrounds: Mentor 2, Pure Breed 2, Resources 2
  • Gifts: Jam Gun, Persuasion, Sense Wyrm, Song of the Seasons,
  • Rage: 2
  • Gnosis: 1
  • Willpower: 6
  • Rites: Rite of Binding

