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Marion Perks, "Teacher193" is a hunter of the Redeemer Creed.


Suppressing her very urge to cut loose and have fun, Marion has always lived with her focus on structure and doing the right thing. She was born and reared in Birmingham, England, a city with serious drug and crime problems. Playing it wild was a dangerous habit, a good way to get imprisoned or killed, so she was brought up to stay safe, obey superiors and avoid risks. Teaching appealed to her because it was a chance to work in an ordered, regulated environment in which she could pass on the pearls of wisdom that she had accumulated. Caring for the schoolchildren - looking after their needs and trying as much as possible to keep them on the right path - became a habit, a reflex. It would be unthinkable for a teacher not to help.

So, with a big wall between herself and the rest of the world, Marion drifted through life in a calm and stately manner, never really experiencing very much. Her strict, previse way of thinking made her meticulous and hardworking, so she rose steadily in her profession. Every year brought new minor tragedies: children lost to drugs, prostitution and their own stupidity. Feelings of helplessness and isolation made her increasingly cynical about the worth of her actions. When she was given a school of her own to tun, she hoped the administrative tasks would drown out the rest of her problems, but of course they did not.

Marion dated a number of other teachers, always from different schools, but always because it was the right thing to do, because having no boyfriend would be unseemly.

These relationships usually lasted a year or two and then ended quietly. All very painless - for Marion, anyway.

In the due course of things, she would have become old and embittered, retired from teaching with a modest pension, and settled down to wait spitefully for death. Instead, she got a wake-up call. She thinks of the afflicted in more or less the same way that she does violent, disruptive children - as problems that ought to be assisted to be less problematic. The trouble is there isn't enough time to devote to them all. She therefore concentrates on the cases for which she thinks she has the best chance of doing some food, regardless of how much a neglected being suffers. As for the others? A sharp warning can sometimes do some good. Beyond that, there's always "expulsion"....

Character Sheet[]

Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2, Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2, Perception 3, Intelligence (Book-Smart) 4, Wits 2
Abilities: Academics (History) 4, Alertness 1, Bureaucracy (Record Keeping) 4, Computer 2, Drive 2, Empathy 2, Etiquette 2, Intimidation 4, Leadership 2, Politics 2, Science 1, Technology 1
Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Influence 1, Patron 1, Resources 2
Edges: (Redemption) Bluster, Insinuate, Respire; (Judgment) Discern
Mercy: 6, Zeal: 1, Conviction: 5, Willpower: 6

