White Wolf Wiki

Marie-Hélène Dutoit is an 11th generation Ventrue antitribu of Montréal. She is a member of the Lost Angels pack.


Marie-Hélène was born to a middle-class French-speaking family in Montréal in the early 1950s. She was a strong supporter of Québec's independence when she was mortal, and the Embrace has not change that.

Marie-Hélène is a dreamer and a rebel. She has a burning hatred for Anglophones and refuse to speak anything but French, even though she is fluent in English. Marie-Hélène's dreams for an independent Québec command her attention, leaving little interest for Montréal's Sabbat power structure.

As a back-up plan, Marie-Hélène has secretly opened negotiations with Tremere Prince Annabelle of Québec city. She hopes that chances for an independent Québec might lie with the Camarilla. What Marie-Hélène doesn't understant is that the fate of Montréal is not bound to language or national identity, but to the infernal forces at work in the city.


Marie-Hélène was never beautiful, and as a Cainite she is still rather plain despite her fine taste in clothing. She never cared for such frivolous things as appearance, though. She's concerned with more important things, and that attitude gives her an inner beauty.

Character Sheet[]

