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You don’t understand; the Masquerade will be outdated inside the next thirty years. Technology has advanced to the point that nearly anyone who cares to spend the cash can identify Kindred. We must be prepared for the inevitable exposure of our ‘lifestyle. The Canaille possess the means to destroy us now! What will they have in five years? Ten? Twenty? Adapt, die, or get the hell out of the way.
  — Margali, 4th Generation Ravnos, in a letter to the Camarilla, 1994

Margali the Wanderer is a Fourth Generation Ravnos Methuselah, currently posing as a Caitiff Neonate in Night City.


Margali was born a long time ago. Depending on when you ask her, she will say anything from 6000 BC to 555 AD. No one who knows her is certain of her true age. There are references to her that date back as far as 1252 BC, but when those are brought up she claims that others have used the name in the past.

She travels the world, sometimes alone, sometimes with companions. She has contact with all of her progeny, who are, for the most part, fairly loyal to her. Those who have killed her Childer have suffered greatly afterward. Wherever she travels, she does so with seeming impunity. Her travels through Lupine controlled territory are legendary.

Always a musician, she used to play the harp, but now she is always seen with a guitar of one sort or other. She’s as likely to appear with a vintage black Les Paul as with a modern axe with laser pickups.

She seems unable to resist walking in human culture. In a world where most Cainites of her age and Generation hide behind closed doors and steel walls, she stands on center stage.

She has quite a history of theft, including the entire contents of two Tremere Chantries. She would have emptied just one, but it was missing a tome she needed for her research into Thaumaturgy. The Tremere do want their property returned.

What she keeps in her Haven is mostly up to the Storyteller, but it does include many unique pieces of art, some thought to be forever lost. There should be a small set of personal effects, unusual enchanted items and anything else she might have stolen over the ages. Occasionally she will drop one of these items onto the market.

In recent years (well, recent for her anyway) she has discovered that the Masquerade has fallen apart in relation to the various national governments. She has tried to warn the Camarilla that they will be in serious danger if they don’t clean up their act soon. Unfortunately, those statues are too wise to listen to some crazy Gypsy.

Actually, she’s telling them because she knows they will not listen to her. After all, they are in need of a rude awakening. Currently, she gives her name as Cassie or Cassandra and is posing as a neonate Caitiff.


A young, pale, dark-haired, dark-eyed woman with the light of mischief dancing about her (some- times literally). Currently her hair is dyed light brown. Through the use of cosmetics, her skin has a light tan.

Roleplaying Hints[]

Pose as a Lick younger than you actually are. MUCH younger. You are playful at heart and feel a bit of pity for other Kindred. There is so much to see and do in the world, and what do they do? They spend eternity fighting their Jyhad! Your way may be frivolous, but at least you are alive.

When you are around other Kindred, you tend to use your Disciplines, especially Chimerstry, fairly freely. You don’t forget your role, however. If you are acting as if you are far less powerful than you truly are, you will exhibit far less power than you actually have.

Never tell a lie. Most people who know you for what you are won’t believe you anyway. If you do not wish anyone to know something, don’t mention it, even if asked directly.

Character Sheet[]

Margali has her fingers in every Corporation and Government present on the continent of North America, as well as a few other land masses. She generally uses it to keep her information on the world up to date. She is also quite aware of who owns whom in the Corps.

Her favorite use of her influence is to set up massive disinformation chains and other equally fun dirty tricks.

Notes: Her higher level Animalism allows her to befriend animals with unearthly ease. Her 2 extra levels of Chimerstry allow her to use the first three levels at no cost in Willpower and maintain them if she is within a mile of their location. She can also create an illusion anywhere she can visualize, the difficulty depending on her familiarity with the area. Her extra level of Obfuscate allows her to conceal the Ravnos aura with a Humanity roll (difficulty 8). The Presence of 6 gives her the ability to cause people around her to believe what they are seeing is perfectly normal. Roll her Manipulation + Subterfuge against an 8. The number of successes determines how strongly the on-lookers deny what they see, from one Success (a double take) to five Successes (going on about their business, blithely.) Her guitar was actually enchanted for her by a Mage. She wanted an instrument that could transform into any other sort of stringed instrument, and that is what she has now. It is also her favorite harp.


  • In White Wolf Magazine 36, Margali is referred to as a 4th generation methuselah in her quote; however, in the following issue she is refered to as a 5th generation. It's unclear if this was either a mistake or a retcon. It's speculated that this may have been an editorial mistake, as Natasha, her childe, was stated to be Margali's doppelgänger and this could've led to miscommunication on her sire's generation.

