Marcus Selkirk is a Seelie Selkie Kinain from near Santa Cruz in the Kingdom of Pacifica.
Marc is Alaric Selkirk's older brother and would have been Laughlin's choice as successor if the Selkie blood had not flowed so strongly in Ric. Marc is kinain, with more fae blood than most, and a number of faerie gifts, as well as a fortune in shipwreck gold left to him by his great-uncle. He's only slightly jealous of Ric's changeling legacy, and he's also far more adventurous: he has found a mermaid's grotto and flirted with her. She has taught him the Siren's Call in exchange for his name. In all likelihood, Marc will be lost to the Undersea very soon.
Marc is a surf god: 6'5", blond hair, blue eyes, perpetual tan, broad shoulders, and a deep, hearty laugh. And only nineteen. Even though he's now as rich as King Croesus, he still dresses in ratty surf shorts, tie-dyed t-shirts, and Birkenstocks.
Marcus is one of those people everyone wants to hate because he's too good to be true, but they can't because, darn it, he's a really great guy. He's bigger and better looking (and now richer) than most guys will ever be, but he doesn't lord it over anyone. Luck of the draw, he got what he got, and it doesn't make him any better if he got dealt a better hand than the other guys. Just luckier. He's always felt a little guilty that he got everything before his brother, but when Ric outstripped him as a surfer, and at only fourteen, he was both happy for his brother and mad at himself for slacking off and letting the kid beat him. That he got the selkie's gift and Marc didn't is something he can't blame the kid for either (luck of the draw and all that), and he's discovered a few of his own faerie gifts himself so he wasn't completely left out. A few chests of Spanish gold helped sweeten the deal, plus there's that mermaid he's met. He's a braggart and a storyteller; he'll inflate everyone's deeds out of proportion, including his own, and is a source of inspiration in his own right. He'd like to go travel the world but right now there's strange enough things in his own backyard, and, anyway, the gremmie (Ric) needs some looking after or he's going to get in over his head.
Marc speaks in a thick surf dialect, laughs a lot, and acts dumber than he is. Life is good and he's here to make people realize it.
Court: Seelie Kinain
Legacies: Wayfarer/Fool
Seeming: Wilder
Kith: Selkie Kinain
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 5
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Empathy 2, Expression 4, Streetwise 2, Seduction 3
Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 1, Leadership 4, Performance 3, Survival 3
Knowledges: Investigation 1, Occult 1, Philosophy 2
Backgrounds: Contacts 2 (local counterculture), Mentor 1 (Ric, brother), Resources 5
Glamour: 5
Banality: 3
Willpower: 4
- CTD: Freeholds & Hidden Glens, p. 122-123