White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Real-life Events[]

World of Darkness[]

  • 1933
    • Riordan Averdale is killed in a gunfight in South Boston.[1]
  • 1988
    • Fitzgeralds Hotel and Casino reopens with a strong Irish theme.[3]

Trinity Universe Events[]

  • 2008
    • Pei Ling Thomas sends a letter to Asian Operations Command regarding the possibility that Lung Tien Biotics may be doing some seriously illegal DNA splicing.[5]
  • 2014
    • N! the News reports on a confrontation outside Ibiza's Amp Room between novas Ryu "Ahasi" Okano of Nippontai and Wei Xixiang of the Exploding Heavenly Mandate. The confrontation likely stems from aggressions between China and Japan, specifically the possibility that the Japanese arm of the Directive may be involving itself in Chinese affairs.[6]
  • 2114
    • Far Nyumban Jerome Dannikan, with a Noetics Ph.D. and a M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, sends a holobrief to the Journal of Xenological Science on some of the artifacts discovered suspended in Mgitu's hydrogen atmosphere.[7]


March 16 March March 18