The Manse of Forgotten Time is a timeless Arcadian realm within the Noble Manor archetype.
Shrouded in a fog that draws the manse in and out of focus, the building is constructed from wood in a minimalist style. Within, the realm is utterly silent, swallowing all sound — bar the sound of ticking from some unseen source, only perceived when a captive has been driven near mad by the sensory deprivation. Those who have escaped have theorized that this ticking is Time itself attempting to enter the realm, the timeless properties of which are so potent that fleeing changelings have witnessed themselves entering just as they leave.
The Other who rules this realm has never been seen, and none of its captives can retain a clear memory of their capture. Fairest are commonly produced here, particularly Bright Ones. Most of the rest of the changelings of the Manse are Chatelaine or Elementals of various sorts.
- CTL: Equinox Road, p. 109-110