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The Malleus Nefandorum is a grimoire that purports to guide mages in how to combat Nephandi.


It is unclear whether the Malleus Nefandorum is a single book, or whether the same name has been applied to multiple books. Manuscripts under this title began circulating among Mediterranean mages in the early sixth century, the work of a Batini barabbus named Bubaces.[1] Bubaces' Malleus was presented as a guide to the secrets of the Nephandi and how to destroy them, but threaded through the text is a subtle Mind effect that gradually brings the reader around to a Nephandic point of view.[2]

The Sebel-el-Mafough Whash, written by two Batini named Frater Decimus and Abbah Rabiniath, was also translated into Latin as the Malleus Nefandorum.[3] It was written either in 450[4] or 622[5] and is seemingly based on Babylonian sources.[6] If this text is distinct from the one penned by Bubaces, it may yet have similar effects: it advocates fighting Nephandi by any means necessary, justifying true atrocities as necessary evils, and thus leads a would-be crusader to their own Caul.[7]

