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Baron Malcolm was a Seelie Sidhe of House Liam at the time of the Accordance War.



In the early days of the Accordance War, in the meeting of ranking Liam nobles called after the Night of Iron Knives, Baron Malcolm, direct and violently Traditionalist, demanded that the house throw its weight behind Lord Dafyll immediately for the chance of regaining some status and perhaps even redemption. He was opposed most by Count Dongahue, one of the few Modernists in the council, who argued passionately that it was the commoners who needed the house and who would appreciate the house properly. Blades were drawn and though there were no fatalities, Baron Malcolm limped from that day forward and did not speak Count Dongahue's name ever after.

When Sir Gwilliam, then just a knight, spoke out of turn, criticizing the heads of the house, and walked out, the room erupted in outrage. The whippersnapper had no business criticizing the council of his elders. Why, he was only recently past his childling years. Blades were nearly drawn for the third time and brash Baron Malcolm called out for Gwilliam's head. It would have ended badly had not Gwilliam already left the room, followed by Dongahue.

Eventually the council came to a decision that really was no decision at all: strict neutrality. Baron Malcolm accepted reluctantly the decision of the majority and, as spokesfae of the house, he announced to all of Concordia that House Liam intended to remain aside from the conflict. Furthermore, Malcolm stated that any actions taken by house members were individual actions and not indicative of the policies of the house as a whole. 

Baron Malcolm died in 1989 and was succeeded by his daughter, Baroness Grayswan, as the de facto leader of the Concordian Liam.


  1. CTD. Noblesse Oblige: The Book of Houses, pp. 115-116, 125-126.