White Wolf Wiki

Maiselle of Rochester is a member of Jean-Marc's Rabble and walker on the Road of Kings. She fled Strood when Inquisitors came and is under a Blood Hunt by the Prince of Rochester, Harold the Bearded.


Maiselle's family came to England with William the Conqueror. Her grandfather was given land near Rochester as reward for his services, and with his sons he built a large farm there. Maiselle was born to the youngest brother, a fact she deeply despised. Since her father had no chance of inheriting the farm, Maiselle's suitors were not likely to be especially wealthy and powerful, and wealth and power were the two things she desired most. She managed to get a position as one of the Baroness of Rochester's chambermaids, intent on meeting some young nobleman and ensnaring his heart. Unfortunately, she was not blessed with great beauty to make up for her meager means and found herself aging without having been married. Then, one night, her lady entertained a wandering minstrel. Maiselle could feel something about the man, a power that defied description. She confronted him outside his room, demanding to know who he truly was. The minstrel, a Toreador, was impressed. He told her of his world and offered her a chance at greater power. Maiselle was made a ghoul and traveled with the minstrel for a year. After this time, she was given the Embrace and set free. Immediately, she made her way back to Rochester, intent on gaining the power she so desired. Unfortunately, the Cainites of Rochester were old and set in their ways, and she had little success with her petty schemes. She was about to give up and greet the sun when she met a young, inexperienced Cainite with a large amount of money. Immediately, she formed a plan for a domain of her own.


Maiselle is tall and regal, with long, black hair and piercing brown eyes. She favors the clothing of a wealthy woman and her appearance is quite striking, if not beautiful. Her voice is probably the thing that people remember best; it is as if it was created to shout orders.


Nature: Autocrat
Demeanor: Defender
Embrace: 1107
Apparent Age: Mid 20s

