White Wolf Wiki

The Unofficial White Wolf Wiki is a collaborative encyclopedia project where you can find out about the worlds and systems created by White Wolf, producer of many roleplaying games, board games, card games, novels and more. The White Wolf Wiki started in May 2005, and currently has 24,650 articles. See what's changed recently.

The Unofficial White Wolf Wiki is an independent collaborative fan effort and is not officially supported or licensed by White Wolf Entertainment – and although we try our best to maintain exclusively official content, we also have a section for users who would like to publish their own works and thoughts in the blog area.

Demon 20th Anniversary

Help celebrate Demon's 20th anniversary by filling out our Demon-related articles!

Game-DTF Demon: The Fallen pages Game-DTD Demon: The Descent pages
  • Add Wanted Pages: Grand Experiment, Scelestinomicon, Artifact (DTF), Anchor (DTF)

Today in History

Today is

Real-life Events

  • 2011
    • Released:
      • WW: White Wolf Blogcast 87: Your Game Sucks 2011 Q&A Buy it from DriveThruRPG!

World of Darkness Events

Trinity Universe Events

  • 1964
    • Near Gary, Indiana, farmer Bill Hollingsworth's flatbed truck rolls into the back of young Jason Lewis' car, pushing both vehicles onto railroad tracks and into the path of an oncoming train. Something hits both cars, pushing them apart and out of the train's path just before impact. Lewis reports seeing someone in the back of a truck across the intersection jump out just before his car was pushed clear.[2]

