White Wolf Wiki

The Unofficial White Wolf Wiki is a collaborative encyclopedia project where you can find out about the worlds and systems created by White Wolf, producer of many roleplaying games, board games, card games, novels and more. The White Wolf Wiki started in May 2005, and currently has 24,457 articles. See what's changed recently.

The Unofficial White Wolf Wiki is an independent collaborative fan effort and is not officially supported or licensed by White Wolf Entertainment – and although we try our best to maintain exclusively official content, we also have a section for users who would like to publish their own works and thoughts in the blog area.

Demon 20th Anniversary

Help celebrate Demon's 20th anniversary by filling out our Demon-related articles!

Game-DTF Demon: The Fallen pages Game-DTD Demon: The Descent pages
  • Add Wanted Pages: Grand Experiment, Scelestinomicon, Artifact (DTF), Anchor (DTF)

Today in History

Today is

Real-life Events

World of Darkness Events

  • 1997
    • Doissetep explodes, causing a shock wave affecting everything connected to it, including the Digital Web, which experiences the Great Crash. The entire Web goes offline for three seconds, killing many, injuring others for weeks or months, and any sector that wasn't permanently erased is damaged.[1][2][3]
  • 2003
    • An intercept is broadcast over WTOJ, from Mandarin Ch'eng Hao via an unknown source. Ch'eng has faced great difficulty in recent times crossing the Wall and has meditated for three lunar cycles on the nature of Yin. "Tonight, I enter the Yin World to discover what lies behind these troubles."[4]

Chronicles of Darkness Events

  • 1979
    • A train with dangerous chemical compounds explodes near Mississauga, Ontario, to cover up the fact that the whole city has been empty for two days, with no clue where the inhabitants could be.[5]

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