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Maia is the Toreador Primogen and Herald of Prague. Being very social with both kine and Kindred of the city, she also regards herself as the Harpy. She seeks to restore peace in the city following the events of the Second Convention of Prague.


Maia was a mortal actress in Los Angeles. She had her Toreador opponent Gaspard destroyed when he attempted to kill her for the Primogen title.

Maia is a popular Primogen from clan Toreador and so warm she almost seems mortal. She is central in the social web of Prague, not only as the Herald among the Kindred but also among the mortals. She moves through high and low society with ease and is a master manipulator, seducer, and diplomat. Presenting herself as a pacifist, Maia has taken it upon herself to protect and champion the mortals of the city, avoiding as much bloodshed as she possibly can.
After her embrace, Maia quickly began to make her way through the Kindred society of Prague. She gained trust and power by knowing what information to slip when and to whom. She naturally grew into the role of Harpy, collecting every traded favor throughout the domain in her red book. After just a few decades she had grown into a power player and accepted Markus's offer to make her Herald, the voice of the Prince. These nights, Maia continues to keep track of everything that goes on in Prague. Most Kindred still adore her, and the ones who see her as false and manipulative do best in keeping it to themselves.

Primogen from Clan Toreador and as Herald, I kept an eye on all relations within this domain. Although I have a feeling you already knew that. But enough about me... When I first set my foot in this golden city, over 50 years ago, both the mortals and Kindred of Prague greeted me with open arms. Tonight we are all hurting, but I believe we can return peace in a peaceful way. Not everyone shares my view of an unlife in harmony, though. Sure, some mortals can only slake our hunger and mend our wounds, but in a broader sense, humanity is also key to give our unlives meaning. Making others understand this, is a slow struggle. Help me further my cause and I will keep your secrets and fulfill your desires. Now, doesn't that sound like a beautiful proposal? Oh my dear, it has never been this hard keeping up with everything that is going on. I have so much to note in my red book that the ink barely dries before I have to turn the page! People trust me to keep track of their favors and debts, or boons as some call them. Usually, that is no problem at all, as word travels fast to me. These nights are not like other nights, though. A boon can be of any size, ranging from a minor favor to owing someone your life, and I believe quite a few of the latter were given in the chaos. When facing final death, or worse, most of us will grab whatever lifeline there is. It could be given to a friend, a stranger, or even an old enemy. I don't pass judgment on that, but I expect everyone to make sure I know. These bonds keep us civilized and if they falter, we will soon follow. You may have heard some call my Herald and some Harpy. Well, it's all fashion to me. Prince Markus wanted me to call myself Herald, and as a big part of what I do is to announce the decrees of the Prince, I of course accepted that title. But before his reign started, I actually preferred Harpy. It has a sweeter taste to it, don't you think? Sure, it can be used as derogatory term, but anyone using it like that probably doesn't realize the power of the role. After all, we do hold power to make you a legend or destroy your reputation forever. Not that we would ever do that out of spite... But do you dare to try us? So if you want to call me Herald or Harpy, I'm fine with either, just do it with love and respect and I'm sure our relationship will prosper.

