Magnolia's Home is the Freehold of Duchess Igrania in the Kingdom of Willows.
The entry to the private freehold of "Duchess" Igrania stands with an enormous magnolia tree in Biloxi's Dreaming. More like a faerie glade than anything else, the freehold consists of a small clearing surrounded by a grove of magnolias (one of which corresponds to the tree that serves as the site's mundane world anchor). In the center of the clearing stands a small cottage surrounded by azaleas, camellias, and honeysuckle vines. Here the rival to Duke Firedrake's claim to Mississippi spends as much time as she dares. Its connection to the Dreaming is particularly strong, increasing the chance that a Kithain remaining here overnight will discover something about their ancient past. So potent is the faerie magic of this small freehold, though, that to stay longer than a day at a time involves risking a descent into the early stages of Bedlam.
- CTD. Kingdom of Willows, p. 55.