The five magical materials are all easily enchanted, and each one resonates with a particular type of Exalted. This resonance makes any item that is both constructed from one of the magical materials and attuned to an Exalt's anima preternaturally deft and sure in that Exalt's hands. It also gives the Exalt access to the powers of any hearthstone mounted on the item.
The materials are:
- Orichalcum: Gold purified by the Sun, Orichalcum is noted for making equipment which is good at everything. Orichalcum artifacts are used by Solar Exalted.
- Moonsilver: Moonsilver is silver touched by Luna, and lends some of Luna's protean nature to the material. Moonsilver is considered sacred by Lunar Exalted.
- Starmetal: Rarer than all other materials, because the Sidereal Exalted must predict where this congealed essence of dead Gods will fall. Starmetal shines with the nature of the Five Maidens and warps fate slightly as part of its basic nature.
- Jade: The most common of all the Magical Materials, and used to make the weapons and armor of the Terrestrial Exalted. Jade comes in six colors, one for each Aspect and a special yellow color unbound to any aspect that requires no attunement.
- Soulsteel: Comprised of the bodies of ghosts and scrapings from the Mouth of the Void in Stygia, soulsteel mutters and moans with the pain of the spirits trapped within. This horrifying black material is the trademark of the Abyssal Exalted, but the Umbral Exalted can also resonate with it.
There is a sixth magical material: Adamant, which is a form of highly sharp but brittle glass. It is associated the Adamant caste of Alchemical Exalted, but in Creation it is seen more rarely and generally only used in composite Magitech construction. Few in Creation are even aware that it is a true magical material at all.