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From the White Wolf catalog:

The World is on Fire
The light of the artist, the vision of the scholar and the pyre of the heretic burn with an intensity never seen before. This is the Renaissance, the battleground of the early Ascension War and the beginning of the modern world.
Blades meet and spells blaze forth as magicians, clerics and artisans clash in the twilight of the High Magick age. Across the earth, magi come together, and their adventures lay the foundation - or the grave - of the future. It is a grand and terrible time to be alive.
The stage is set. The players stand ready. Take up your blade, your books and your poisoned cup, and join the crusade.
Let the Play Begin
Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade is a hardcover game set in the Dark Fantastic world of the Renaissance, and is the next of White Wolf's historical World of Darkness games, following in the tradition of Vampire: The Dark Ages and Werewolf: The Wild West. Players now have the chance to found the Council of Traditions - or bring it crashing down. High magick, faith and reason collide to decide the fate of the world.
  • An original short story by well-known fantasy author Storm Constantine; illustrated in full color by Tim and Greg Hildebrant
  • Complete rules, with many new or revised systems
  • Intrigues, war machines, new magickal societies and much more
  • Top-quality art and writing from the some of the biggest names in fantasy

Suggested for mature readers.



Background Information[]


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Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade books MTSC: Crusade Lore: The Storytellers Screen and Book Buy it from DriveThruRPG!