White Wolf Wiki

The Machine is one of the three Weaver Incarna.


The Machine grew up with the rising technological prowess of humanity. With the coming of the computer age, the Machine is now stirring almost to full awareness, now broadcasting its unconscious thoughts out through the Tellurian via the Digital Web. Computers are nearly ubiquitous in private homes, and most of these are linked to the Internet. The Machine is now growing faster than any spirit has ever been known to, and may soon reach Celestine status. A few Glass Walker Theurges who follow the Machine's progress have become alarmed at the Machine's rise in power. They fear that if it does reach Celestine status, it may be powerful enough to challenge Gaia Herself. Other Glass Walkers feel that Gaia can take care of herself, and say that the Machine would never do this, anyway. The Machine is here to help Gaia, they insist, not to overthrow Her. The Machine's true intentions are unknown, and the Theurges are reluctant to report their theories to the other tribes for fear of serious reprisals against both their own tribe and the Machine itself. This hesitancy may well bode ill, for the growing Machine has begun to flex its muscles for the first time in history, and could figure prominently in the coming Apocalypse.


WTA: Book of the Weaver, p. 32
