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White Wolf Wiki

Lunes are moon spirits, emissaries of Luna, who interact on her behalf with the Forsaken.


Lunes, like other spirits, can teach Gifts and Rites. They also award Renown, inscribing it in a werewolf's flesh with silver runes visible in the Shadow.[1] Lunes also help enforce the Oath of the Moon, though they are capricious and unpredictable judges.[2] According to one story, the Lunes granted the Forsaken their Auspices so that they would be able to take the place of Father Wolf.[3]

While Lunes are not hostile to Luna's children, they are not necessarily safe to be around, either; their changeable, contradictory nature makes them unsuitable as totems,[4] and someone who takes a Lune as a personal totem may face an intervention from their packmates.[5] Prolonged interaction with Lunes, especially as totems, tends to result in madness, a consequence the Lunes themselves seem not to care about.[6]

Lunes usually ask the Uratha to act on their behalf, but occasionally one will possess a Wolf-blooded, creating a hybrid creature called an Iduth Zana or Moon Puppet.[7]


Lunes and Helions seemingly belong to the same umia, but there are also separate umia for Lunes associated with each phase of the moon.[8] Low-ranking Lunes called Glimmerlings or Secrets are mostly dispatched with a single task to fulfill, and rarely capable of acting outside that task.[9] Maslunim, the Hidden Lunes, are powerful ensah (Rank 4+) that might lead a Silver Crusade or other major undertaking.[10]

Outside Perspectives[]

The Pure Tribes hate Luna, and for some that extends to the Lunes, which they may hunt for Essence. Other Anshega may try to deal with Lunes as any other powerful, fickle spirit, perhaps hoping to gain access to Moon Gifts without having to take the Oath. Conversely, some Lunes are willing to deal with the Pure, while others desire nothing but their destruction.[11] The Fire-Touched believed that when the Forsaken die, their souls are transformed into Lunes eternally enslaved to Mother Luna.[12]

Idigam have a special hatred for Lunes, who once served as their jailers. Lunes have not, however, been particularly proactive when it comes to informing the People about the nature of idigam and the threat they pose.[13]

Demons who are familiar with werewolves tend to equate Lunes with angels, with Luna as either a guise of the God-Machine or a piece of Infrastructure the Lunes are supposed to manage.[14]

