The Lunar Rational Front is an antitheist terrorist organization in the Unity Age.
Many people came to Luna seeking freedom from oppressive political or religious regimes, so the average Selenite has a healthy skepticism of most religion. The Lunar Rational Front, however, goes beyond skepticism: they claim that religion is a force of evil, and must be eradicated by any means necessary.
The LRF first appeared in 2100, and claims responsibility for the assassination of religious leaders, bombing of places of worship, and harassing proselytizers. This culminated in the gassing of Alte Jerusalem in 2105, which killed all its inhabitants, members of the Many Covenants sect. The gas used was a proto-organic toxin that bonded to the walls of the tube complex, requiring the entire facility to be sealed off for fourteen years.
After Alte Jerusalem, the LRF seemingly disappeared. Investigation failed to identify any individual members of the group, much less the ones responsible for the killing. If the organization still exists, they have gotten very good at hiding.